facebook Carson Kinsley only 2 weeks until Regionals?! Where has the time gone?....getting nervous…. WallInfoPhotosVideosCarson KinsleyLogout View photos of Carson (254) Send Carson a message Poke/Message Wall InfoPhotosVideos Write something… Share Information Birthday: June 22, 1995 Job: Coach at SOGA Interests: Gymnastics, Lacrosse Language: English, Spanish Hometown: Seattle, Washington Friends Leah Kiley Heather CarlyJohn Carson Kinsley Do you have any tips on how I can mentally prepare for my meet this weekend? Riley Tony Hernandez to Carson Kinsley Relax. I know for me, listening to upbeat music before a game really helps. It gets me in the mood. You should try it! Carson Kinsley What do you do to get ready for your big games? Carson Kinsley How is baseball going? Are you in the US yet? Tony Hernandez to Carson Kinsley Besides the most obvious (getting bag, glove, and bat) I like to listen to upbeat music and I love to go through the perfect swing (visualization) Tony Hernandez to Carson Kinsley Baseball is going really well! I have a batting average of.429! And not yet. Scouting day is in 2 weeks though, so hopefully I will be soon! Carson- I really like listening to music too. I have a special pump up playlist I always listen to before the meet! I also find visualizing really helpful. I know that my mentality for the meet is a lot different than practice. Relaxing is definitely really good too! Thanks! Here’s a link on visualizing- Imagery This should also help you too!- it’s about how Carson- I’m really glad to hear that! Keep up the hard work, and stay positive! A positive attitude can take you anywhere you wish to go!
facebook Carson Kinsley only 2 weeks until Regionals?! Where has the time gone?....getting nervous…. WallInfoPhotosVideosCarson KinsleyLogout View photos of Carson (254) Send Carson a message Poke/Message Wall InfoPhotosVideos Write something… Share Information Birthday: June 22, 1995 Job: Coach at SOGA Interests: Gymnastics, Lacrosse Language: English, Spanish Hometown: Seattle, Washington Friends Leah Kiley Heather CarlyJohn Carson Kinsley I’m having a huge mental block….suggestions anyone? Riley Tony Hernandez to Carson Kinsley Go through the ideal scenario! I don’t know much about gymnastics, but when I get mental blocks in baseball, I visualize the perfect swing that would give a homerun, and I make that happen. I also make sure that I know that I can do it! If you don’t believe in yourself, it won’t ever happen. Watch this video! It should help - Carson Kinsley Why is gymnastics so scary? Carson Kinsley Does visualizing ever help you? Tony Hernandez to Carson Kinsley Umm… Your flipping on a 4 inch piece of wood 4 feet off the ground. And not to mention you have no pads on besides the mats underneath you. Is that enough? Tony Hernandez to Carson Kinsley Just a little (sarcasm intended). That is one of the main things I do if I have a mental problem. It always works for me, but I’m not the only doing flips! ;) Carson- Yea, it’s tough because gymnastics is so different than any other sport I can think of! But I will definitely try visualization today! Hopefully it works! My coaches also keep telling me that I need to believe in myself too. That I need to trust that I already know what I’m doing, and that I’m not going to get hurt. I need to stay positive and work my way back to where I was by setting little goals for myself. Thanks for the help! Carson- Haha. I didn’t mean like that! But that could be part of it…hmmm…I was thinking more of why is it so mental? But I guess if I think about it, it’s because I know that I can get hurt doing any of the things I do. This is just a tough situation. Carson- This is true. I find visualization to be really helpful actually. By using all my senses an setting the scene appropriately, it helps me stay motivated, boosts my confidence, and keeps me focused on what I am doing.
facebook Carson Kinsley only 2 weeks until Regionals?! Where has the time gone?....getting nervous…. WallInfoPhotosVideosCarson KinsleyLogout View photos of Carson (254) Send Carson a message Poke/Message Wall InfoPhotosVideos Write something… Share Information Birthday: June 22, 1995 Job: Coach at SOGA Interests: Gymnastics, Lacrosse Language: English, Spanish Hometown: Seattle, Washington Friends Leah Kiley Heather CarlyJohn Carson Kinsley What do you do to get yourself out of a negative attitude? Riley Tony Hernandez to Carson Kinsley Talk with my mom. My mom has/will always be there for me, and she knows what it takes to get me out of the slump I am in. Read this article on mindsets of a “champion” it’s pretty cool stuff! Carson Kinsley How do you go about change? Carson Kinsley Do you think you’re coachable? Tony Hernandez to Carson Kinsley Change is one of the hardest things that we, as people, have to deal with. I guess it is the uncertainty that causes us not to like change. We don’t know how it will turn out, all we can do is embrace what has happened, and not look back on what we had. Just keep going forward. This is a really cool video just on sports and how change can really affect performance. Check it out! Tony Hernandez to Carson Kinsley I definitely think I have my ups and down days where I feel like people aren’t telling me anything useful or anything that could help me, but when it is one of those days, you just have to communicate with your coach and tell them what your feeling. If you can do that, anyone could coach you. Communication is key. Carson- I like to talk to my parents as well as my coaches and friends. I think when I have a negative attitude communication is key to changing it around. Getting the problem out, and getting help to fix it is what I do with something negative. I think the most important thing is to not let it get to you and not to dwell on something that has happened in the past. You just have to accept what it is, change what you have to, and move on. Same here! I think embracing change is something that everyone, athletes especially, need to focus on doing. We need to accept that it is what it is, and know that life will go on, and things will get better. I look at change with my mind open. Carson- Yea, I can completely relate. I only ask because I think being coachable is one of the most important qualities an athlete has to have in order to be successful.
facebook Carson Kinsley only 2 weeks until Regionals?! Where has the time gone?....getting nervous…. WallInfoPhotosVideosCarson KinsleyLogout View photos of Carson (254) Send Carson a message Poke/Message Wall InfoPhotosVideos Write something… Share Information Birthday: June 22, 1995 Job: Coach at SOGA Interests: Gymnastics, Lacrosse Language: English, Spanish Hometown: Seattle, Washington Friends Leah Kiley Heather CarlyJohn Carson Kinsley How do you deal with fear? Riley Tony Hernandez to Carson Kinsley I talk with my coaches, parents, friends, and they usually tell me what do to. The people you know and trust will know what is best for you. They are the backbone which will help you get through most problems involving fear. Carson Kinsley How do you deal with negative feedback? Carson Kinsley Do you use any relaxation techniques before big games? Tony Hernandez to Carson Kinsley I use it as criticism. What they said I did wrong, I make sure I don’t make that mistake again. Tony Hernandez to Carson Kinsley Besides taking a nap before? None that I can think of. What about you? Carson- When dealing with fear I think it’s also really important to evaluate the situation by yourself and think of some goals to help you get out of the slump. Setting goals is really effective. You should read this article on overcoming fear in baseball, it could really help you sometime! Carson- So do I, but sometimes I’ve realize that I take it to heart too much. I’m such a perfectionist, and when I get negative feedback I sometimes just break down and think I don’t know what I’m doing or that I’m just terrible. But I always find the light at the end of tunnel, and reward myself with positive feedback on what I’m doing. Carson- Sometimes I do some deep breathing exercises, they really help relieve stress. I guess, the main thing I do is not let myself get stressed. I stay focused on what I have to do and get done, and I don’t let anything get in my way. Visualizing and listening to music also really help me relax.
facebook Carson Kinsley only 2 weeks until Regionals?! Where has the time gone?....getting nervous…. WallInfoPhotosVideosCarson KinsleyLogout View photos of Carson (254) Send Carson a message Poke/Message Wall InfoPhotosVideos Write something… Share Information Birthday: June 22, 1995 Job: Coach at SOGA Interests: Gymnastics, Lacrosse Language: English, Spanish Hometown: Seattle, Washington Friends Leah Kiley Heather CarlyJohn Carson Kinsley How have sports personally affected your life? Riley Tony Hernandez to Carson Kinsley I live in a bad part of town, and baseball is my only way out of this life! I don’t ever want to live like this again in my life, and I don’t want to see people live like this. Imagine having a different job every month. That’s what it is like for my family, and not to mention we can’t pay the bills so half the time we have no running water or electricity. I must go to the high school in order to shower. A really good way to see how sports affect other people’s lives is to watch the documentary, Hoop Dreams, it’s a great example of how sports have changed my life, and obviously others lives too. Carson Kinsley Have you ever considered seeing a sports psychiatrist? Carson Kinsley How have sports benefitted your life thus far? Tony Hernandez to Carson Kinsley No. I know they are for people who are having problems in sports, but other than that, what could they do for someone? Tony Hernandez to Carson Kinsley It has kept me in shape, it has kept me in school, and it has kept me focused on my dream. My dream is what pushes me to do what I am doing! What is your dream? Carson- That’s crazy! I could never imagine living life like that. Sports have really only affected me in keeping me disciplined and busy. I only do sports to keep me active, and because I love them. They’ve really only helped me to become the person I am today. Nothing that big! Carson- I’ve thought about going to see one because gymnastics is such a mental sport, they could help me figure out what I’m exactly scared of and why. I’ve heard it really helps people. Because, if I knew how I could go about overcoming my fears, I would be so much better at gymnastics! Carson- My dream at one point was to go to the Olympics, but once I understood that it was an unachievable goal, I decided that I really wanted to do college gymnastics. So right now, my goal is college gymnastics, but my dream has just always been to be in gymnastics and love what I do, and enjoy every moment that I spend in the gym with my friends and teammates. Knowing I can do anything pushes me to be the best I can be.
facebook Carson Kinsley only 2 weeks until Regionals?! Where has the time gone?....getting nervous…. WallInfoPhotosVideosCarson KinsleyLogout View photos of Carson (254) Send Carson a message Poke/Message Wall InfoPhotosVideos Write something… Share Information Birthday: June 22, 1995 Job: Coach at SOGA Interests: Gymnastics, Lacrosse Language: English, Spanish Hometown: Seattle, Washington Friends Leah Kiley Heather CarlyJohn Carson Kinsley How do you see sports affecting other people’s lives? Do you think they have a more positive or negative impact on people? Riley Tony Hernandez to Carson Kinsley For most of my friends, sports have been the only reason they are staying in school. To most of them, school isn’t important. They are only doing the minimum that they need to stay on the sports team that they are on. Depending on the circumstance, it could be either positive or negative. It really depends on the person. Carson- It’s very different from me! We literally come from opposite worlds on this topic! Sports are just something fun that we do as an extra curricular. I could never imagine having to have my sport keep me in school or get me out of bad situations. I think sports generally have a very positive impact on people. I can’t really think of too many negative things…here’s a really great article you could check out on the influence of sports on kids. It’s pretty interesting! - Carson Kinsley this video can really cheer me up after a rough day at practice. It keeps me going with what I do and makes me realize just how much I have grown in what I love to do. Enjoy-
Personal Information facebook Carson Kinsley WallInfoPhotosVideosCarson KinsleyLogout View photos of Carson (254) Send Carson a message Poke/Message Wall InfoPhotosBoxes Basic Information Information Photos Birthday: June 22, Sex: Female Job: Coach at SOGA Hometown: Seattle, Washington Relationship Status: Single Language: English, Spanish Interests: Gymnastics, Hanging with Friends Activities: Gymnastics, Lacrosse Interests: Gymnastics, Lacrosse, Hanging with Friends, Watching Movies Favorite Music: Katy Perry, Selena Gomez, Justin Bieber, Chris Brown Favorite Movies: Stick It, The Proposal, The Hangover, The Notebook Favorite TV Shows: Make It or Break It, Pretty Little Liars, The Lying Game Favorite Books: The Pretty Little Liar Series, Twilight Series About me: Gymnastics Updated last Tuesday 2 Albums Lax Updated two months ago About Me Birthday: June 22, 1995 Job: Coach at SOGA Interests: Gymnastics, Lacrosse Language: English, Spanish Hometown: Seattle, Washington I don’t even know where to start! Well, my name is Carson Marie Kinsley, and I live in Seattle Washington. I love to do gymnastics and play lacrosse. I attend a prep school that is about 30 minutes from my house. I’ve always loved to do gymnastics, ever since I was little. My goal is that I will be able to compete at a collegiate level. My parents are very supportive of my goals and decisions in life. I always work my hardest and stay positive. I’m really interested in studying medicine when I’m older, it’s so interesting! Ever since I was a kid, I’ve always loved to play around and do athletic things. I love all sports but gymnastics and lax are definitely my favorite. My life is pretty laid back. I practice at the gym 30 hours a week, and dedicate the rest of my time to school work and spending quality time with my friends and family.
facebook WallInfoPhotosVideosCarson KinsleyLogout WallInfoPhotosBoxes Photos of Carson 254 Photos Carson’s Albums 2 Photo Albums Gymnastics 53 photos Lax 28 photos Profile Pictures 46 photos Carson Kinsley is preparing to sign the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty