IEEE-SA Liaison Report SAB Meeting May 2007 Don Wright Director of Standards, Lexmark International IEEE-SA Treasurer Member, IEEE SA Board of Governors Past Chair, IEEE SA Standards Board Member, IEEE-ISTO Board of Directors
2007 SASB 2007 Leadership: l ChairSteve Mills (CS) l Vice ChairBob Grow (CS) l Past ChairDon Wright (CS, ComSoc, SIT, Engr Mgmt) l NesComRon Petersen l RevComMalcolm Thaden l PatComDavid Law (CS) l ProComRichard Hulett l AudComGlenn Parsons (CS) l SCC LiaisonHoward Wolfman 2007 Meeting Schedule: l June 26-28, 2007Piscataway, NJ l September 25-27, 2007Piscataway, NJ l December 3-5, 2007Hallendale Beach, Florida
2007 SASB Membership l Chairman: Mills, Steve - CS, ComSoc l Past Chairman: Wright, Don - CS, ComSoc, SIT, Engr Mgmt l Reappointments: Goldbach, William - PES Greenspan, Arnie - AES Grow, Robert - CS Guenin, Joanna - CS Hanus, Ken - PES Hopf, William, III - PES Hulett, Richard - IAS Law, David - CS Parsons, Glenn - CS Petersen, Ron - SCC39/ICES Prevost, Tom - PES Ratta, Greg - ComSoc Robson, Robby - CS Sahazizian, Anne-Marie - PES Thaden, Malcolm - PES Townsend, Richard - CS Wolfman, Howard - IAS l TAB Representative: Virginia Sulzberger l New for 2007: Gelman, Alex - ComSoc Kulick, John - PES Ramachandran, Narayanan-SCC20 DeBlasio, Dick - SCC21 Koch, Hermann - PES
2007 SASB Committees l NESCOM Ron Petersen, Chair Chuck Adams Thomas Blair Richard DeBlasio Joanna Guenin William Hopf Young Kyun Kim Ted Olsen Glenn Parsons Thomas Prevost Narayanan Ramachandran Robby Robson Jon Rosdahl Anne-Marie Sahazizian Rick Townsend Sherry Hampton, NesCom Secretary Malcolm Thaden, Chair Stephen Adam Satish Aggarwal Mark Epstein Alex Gelman Daniel Giusto Bill Goldbach Bob Grow Ken Hanus Jim Hughes John Kulick David Law Gary Robinson Geoff Thompson Dave Ringle, RevCom Secretary l REVCOM
2007 SASB Committees l PROCOM Rich Hulett, Chair Ken Hanus Hermann Koch David Law Glenn Parsons Narayanan Ramachandran Greg Ratta Malcolm Thaden Howard Wolfman Dave Ringle, ProCom Secretary David Law, Chair Chuck Adams Rich Hulett Karen Kenney (non-voting) Rick Townsend Don Wright Dave Ringle, PatCom Secretary l PATCOM Glenn Parsons, Chair Arnie Greenspan Hermann Koch Ron Petersen Gary Robinson Howard Wolfman Rona Gertz, AudCom Secretary l AUDCOM
RevCom Statistics year avg 2007Apr 2007 (pending) New Revision TOTAL Reaffirmation TOTAL (as of March 2007 SASB Meeting)
NesCom Statistics (as of March 2007 SASB Meeting)
Activities at the March SASB Mtg l Heard reports from the oversight committee; progress is being made in l Submissions of L50-S (financial reporting form) have been slow. As of the SASB meeting, 55 of 150 sponsors and 262 of 573 working groups had submitted their L50-S forms. The SASB will review the progress at its June meeting and is expected to halt all activities of non-compliant sponsors and working groups. l The SASB confirmed the elections of two new vice-chairs. l Progress is continuing on the P&P text for stabilized standards. l New antitrust guidelines were approved by the Standards Board. See
Activities at the March SASB Mtg l The P&Ps of several CS Sponsors were approved: Simulation Interoperability Standards Organization Storage Systems Software and Systems Engineering Standards Committee Test Technology Standards Committee Information Assurance Standards Committee LMSC (802) P&Ps were identified as being visibly under development. SCC 41 DySPAN (Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks) was approved by the SASB. It was reported that text crafted by ProCom for the BOG Operations Manual to create a Standards Conduct Committee to hear and recommend sanctions against standards participants regardless of whether or not they were IEEE members was approved by the BOG.
Activities since the March SASB Mtg l On April 30, 2007, the IEEE received a positive response from the US DOJ in regards to the new IEEE Patent Policy. See: Statement of Affiliation requirements now being enforced by myProject. l The new IEEE Patent Policy went into effect on May 1, See the following: SASB Bylaws, Clause 6 l SASB Ops Manual, Clause Letter of Assurance Template Working Group Meeting Slide Set New Patent Policy Tutorial New Patent Policy FAQ
2007 IEEE-SA Board of Governors George Arnold, President Don Heirman, Past President Steve Mills, SASB Chair Don Wright, SASB Past Chair & Treasurer Judith Gorman*, Secretary Chuck Adams, CAG Chair Mary Saunders Carl Stevenson Phil Wennblom Bruce McClung Dennis Brophy Lanny Floyd Bilel Jamoussi Fran O’Brien New Members for 2007 * Non-voting
IEEE-SA Board of Governors l Last face-to-face meeting was held February , 2007 in Piscataway. l The BoG began discussions on how to appoint, monitor and direct representatives of the SA to external ogranizations. l Two ad hoc committees of the BoG were created to work on a variety of issues: International Committee Business Development Committee l 2008 will be the 10 th anniversary of the IEEE-SA. The BoG is considering what, if any, activities should be held to commemorate this milestone. l The IEEE-SA Operations Manual was changed to make the IEEE- SA Treasurer a voting position on the BoG. Corresponding language will have to be approved by the IEEE BoD before this change can become effective.
IEEE-SA Board of Governors l Discussion of the IEEE-SA Financial Viability Plan (FVP) was thorough and intense. This included such diverse topics as: Funded Services Pricing Changes - tabled Entity Participation Fee Changes - tabled Academic Package Pricing - approved Individual Participation Fee Motion: “Move that the IEEE-SA investigate implications and acceptance of potential individual method project participation fees.” - approved Business Development ad hoc to oversee the FVP - approved l The BoG heard a presentation on the GEOSS work. They are seeking individuals to help with this project. l Next BoG meeting is week of June 25, 2007 also in Piscataway.
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