NeSC Review Centre Report Peter Clarke Deputy Director October 11 th 2004
Contents Overview of activities Achievement against Objectives Issues raised in last report
Mission of the NeSC Mission Statement: To stimulate and sustain the development of e-Science in the UK, to contribute significantly to its international development and to ensure that its techniques are rapidly propagated to commerce and industry. To identify and support e-Science projects within and between institutions in Scotland, and to provide the appropriate technical infrastructure and support in order to ensure rapid uptake of e-Science techniques by Scottish scientists. To encourage the interaction and bi-directional flow of ideas between computing science research and e-Science applications. To develop advances in scientific data curation and analysis and to be a primary source of top quality systems and repositories that enable management, sharing and best use of research data.
Regional role Training Events Outreach & website Industry partnership Visitors programme Research & projects Standards Int’natnl Prestige Advanced Computing Infrastructure Computational Science Applications Informatics/CS Foundations JISC liaison ETF Report Series IEC KTN EGEE BIRN DCC AHM SC Activities Map UK e-Science Development Buildings Staff investment NeSC/eSI Foundations Value added MSc eDIKT EDINA EPCC GRID Summer School Commerc- ialisation CS Applications NGS role E-Health initiatives SBRN GU bioinformatics research institute Other projects
Regional role Training Events Outreach & website Industry partnership Visitors programme Research & projects Standards Int’natnl Prestige Advanced Computing Infrastructure Computational Science Applications Informatics/CS Foundations JISC liaison ETF Report Series IEC KTN EGEE BIRN DCC AHM SC UK e-Science Development Buildings Staff investment MSc eDIKT EDINA EPCC GRID Summer School Commerc- ialisation CS Applications NGS role E-Health initiatives SBRN GU bioinformatics research institute Other projects A.Trew, R.Sinnott Infrastructure NGS EGEE D.Fergusson Training M.Parsons Industry commerciali sation A.Kenway eSI events and outreach Projects P.Stansfield IEC opportunities
Achievement against Objectives
Activity: Event Programme Objective: Deliver a series of events to develop e-Science understanding, skills and uptake. Must balance over disciplines & between CS & applications Must balance between knowledge propagation & knowledge creation Must satisfying participants and stakeholders Must be of nationally & internationally recognised value Achievement: See A.Kenway presentation Summary: 7 events/month sustained ~ 19,500 delegate days Very Broad range of scope and length Attendees from government, healthcare, industry,…..and many more … Most recent: –JISC WSDL course given at Stafford –Board of SWITCH (SWISS JISC+UKERNA) hosted for fact finding mission –CONDOR 1 week workshop this week KPI Attendance days £-equivalent (~£4 million) Frequency of return visits Efficiency: Duty Cycle of the Institute premises (70%)
Some events …
ACTIVITY: Visitors Programme Objective: To encourage overseas e-Scientists to come to the UK for short and long term visits for the purpose of catalysing collaboration and cooperation and disseminating knowledge within the UK e-Science community. Achievement: See A.Kenway talk Examples: First 1 year visitor (J.Schopf) to work on NG TeraGrid cooperation Visitors from 4 different institutions bidding with us for future R&D project KPI Volume of interaction with UK e-Scientists: to be considered & defined: e.g. # seminars/workshops and # attendees (at NeSC and other UK sites) Follow up to visit: # Return visits, collaborative work on software, standards, papers, % of visitors that continue to work with UK e- Science
Avtivity: Outreach and Website Objective: To manage a high impact web site which provides a valuable and relevant source of information to the community. Achievement: See A.Kenway talk KPI Website access statistics
Activity: Training Objective: To build on the NeSC tradition of quality training events that accelerate the development and effective uptake of e-research technologies Achievement: See D.Fergusson talk Delivering training in UK and Europe Establishing training for NGS Leading and coordinating EGEE training activity Establishing relationships with technology developers KPI: # Training events in year Event: Feedback and # participants # Web-site downloads
Highlight: GGF Summer School
Activity: Research Programme Objectives: To establish a number of research projects which deliver significant advances in key areas of e-Science. They should include a broad range of application domains and will normally be collaborative. To organise “Newton-Institute” style research events, produce research reports and identify research challenges. Achievement: VOTES (MRC), BRIDGES+CFG (Centre+Wellcome), QTLGrid (BBSRC) ESLEA (EPSRC+PPARC+MRC) NextGRID (EU FP6) OGSA-DAI/DAIT (see N.C.Hong talk) DCC (EPSRC+JISC) Research visitors KPI # and value of research projects (both centre and other) # papers & citations in high impact publications # research project website hits
Context Services Info Services Infra Services Security Services Rsrc Mgmt Services Execution Mgmt Services Data Services Policy Mgmt VO Mgmt Access Integration Provisioning Cataloging Boundary Traversal Integrity Authorization Authentication WSRFWSNWSDM Event Mgmt Trouble- shooting Discovery Job Mgmt Logging Execution Planning Workflow Mgmt Workload Mgmt Provisioning Application Mgmt DeploymentConfigurationReservation Naming Self Mgmt Services Heterogeneity Mgmt Service Level Attainment QoS Mgmt Optimization OGSA Design Teams OGSA-WG Information Service design team Data Service design team EMS design team Resource Mgmt design team Security Service design team Self Mgmt design team Core (roadmap) design team Naming design team
Activity: Computer Science Research e-Science applications Objective: To encourage the interaction and bi-directional flow of ideas between computing science research and e- Science applications. Achievement: eDIKT NextGRID Projects: Publishing Scientific Data AMUSE FireGrid, QTLGrid, VOTES, EGEE KPI Rate of interaction between researchers Demonstrated solutions coming from CS CS engagement in challenges from applications
Activity: Regional Role Objective: To foster e-Science in the region. Specifically the understanding of the potential of e-Science developments and as well as collaborative ventures to exploit e-Science initiatives. Achievement: Support for project bidding (QTLGrid, FireGrid, VOTES, GeneExpress) Scottish Bioinformatics Research Network Fostering “Fundamental computer Science” bid Scottish Executive/Scottish NHS initiatives KPI # Scottish institutes engaged with NeSC # Regional attendees at events # Joint initiatives with regional institutes
Activity: National role Objective: Contribute to leadership & coordination of UK e-Science Achievement: Everything we do is part of this, particularly events and projects. AHM Web based facilities (Directors’ meeting secure site, NeSCForge,WIKIs) gridNet, eSTORM(2), M.Atkinson : TAG, OMII SC & WS-I+, ATF (chair) N. Chue Hong OMII TAB R. Sinnott, Security for ETF P. Clarke JISC JCSR & JCN New JISC policy advisor post KPI ???
Activity: International impact and prestige of the UK. Objectives: To promote the UK e-Science programme, particularly areas where the UK is prominent. To identify and establish international collaboration. Achievement: SC2003 and SC2004 e-Science Booths Globus alliance GEON & Simula Scientific advisory boards, Helmholtz review EU e-Infrastructures delegation to NA Major workshops: e.g. Condor (this) week International visits: e.g. SWITCH (last) week GGF impact KPI Input: #person days spent on international impact events/meetings Feedback: Survey of perception of UK e-Science (needs third party)
Activity: Industry Partnership Objective: To engage with UK industry in order to build/augment lasting channels of cooperation and through these to facilitate knowledge transfer and optimise UK competitiveness in areas related to e-Science. Achievement: See M.Parsons talk All centre projects Founding institutes’ industrial pre-existing industrial programmes New projects with industry, e.g. ESLEA Inter Enterprise Computing KTN bid. KPI £-investment of industry partners / £-NeSC % partners willing to follow on in applicable projects % projects leading to follow on activities
Activity: Contribution to ETF Objective: To contribute expertise to the ETF in order to develop the UK Grid infrastructure. Achievement: Dave Berry responsible for GT4 evaluation Richard Sinnott + Glasgow staff (security) KPI ???
Activity: Standards Objective: To play an active role in standards formation Achievement: P. Clarke, M.Atkinson: GGF Steering committee N. Chue Hong (Chair Grid File Access, DAIS) A. Krause M. Antonioletti (DAIS editors) A. Anjomshoaa (Chair JDSL) KPI # Positions of leadership # Published documents with significant authorship
Matters arising from last review OGSA-DAI/DAIT eSI Overspend Centre KPIs Up-to-date Project achievements publicised Confirmation of project formal end dates
Matters arising from last review OGSA-DAI/DAIT Addressed by NCH talk (and discussion) eSI Overspend Up-to-date Project achievements publicised Confirmation of project formal end dates
Who is Using OGSA-DAI? OGSA-DAI ( AstroGrid ( BioSimGrid ( BioGrid ( Bridges ( eDiaMoND ( FirstDig ( GeneGrid ( GEON ( IU RGRBench ( myGrid ( N2Grid ( ODD-Genes ( OGSA-WebDB ( MCS ( INWA ( GridMiner (
OGSA-DAI : Project classification
Matters arising from last review OGSA-DAI/DAIT eSI Overspend Now reduced to £1.5k. See A.Kenway Centre KPIs Up-to-date Project achievements publicised Confirmation of project formal end dates
Matters arising from last review OGSA-DAI take up eSI Overspend Centre KPIs See objective review in previous slides Do we have KPIs Some very good ones Others – early iterations Up-to-date Project achievements publicised Confirmation of project formal end dates