Towards the AEI Guidebook Maintenance Plan: additions to the Nickel Production Chapter Outline of 2009 contribution in-kind of Belarus to EMEP 10th Joint.


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Presentation transcript:

Towards the AEI Guidebook Maintenance Plan: additions to the Nickel Production Chapter Outline of 2009 contribution in-kind of Belarus to EMEP 10th Joint EIONET and the Task Force on Emission Inventories and Projections Meeting May 2009, Vienna, Austria Sergey Kakareka, Tamara Kukharchyk Institute for Nature Management National Academy of Sciences Minsk, Belarus

Summary Included into presentation: 1. Rationale 2. Proposed additions to the 2.C.5.c Nickel production chapter - Overview of nickel products and industry - Principal technologies and schemes - Emissions and abatement - Tier 1 and Tier 2 EF tables

Current status of the 2.C.5.c Nickel production chapter - too schematic description of technological processes; - Tier1 EF are relevant only for hydrometallurgical technology. If applied these factors for total Europe nickel production annual SOx emission in Europe will be about 8-9 thous. tonnes while real emissions in EMEP domain from nickel production are about 20 times higher, in extended EMEP domain – times higher; - no Tier1 EF for pyrometallurgic technology; - no TIER 2 EF which are necessary for accurate and complete emission inventory from nickel production.

Proposed additions into: Overview Nickel products At the market nickel is presented in different brands. Metallic nickel is divided into two main classes: refined nickel (nickel cathodes (greatest), briquettes, granules, rondelles, powder/flakers etc.) and charge nickel (ferronickel, nickel oxide sinter, secondary nickel). Less part of nickel is produced also as nickel chemicals.

World nickel production (USGS data) World nickel production in 2005 according to USGS amounted 1,3 mln. tons World nickel production by types of products Main types of nickel products: Metal Metal Ferronickel Ferronickel Chemicals Chemicals Oxide sinter & oxides Oxide sinter & oxides

World primary nickel production by country %, (2005) Main primary nickel production countries Russian Federation – 287 thous. t ; Japan – 167 thous. t; Canada – 140 thous. t; Australia – 122 thous.t

Nickel primary production in Europe, % (2005) Main primary nickel production countries in Europe Russian Federation – 287 thous. t Norway – 85 thous. t Finland – 44 thous. t United Kingdom – 37 thous. t Nickel primary production in Europe in 2005 amounted 509 thous. tons

Production of nickel by types of process in Europe Ratio of nickel production by type in Europe Nickel from ore (full cycle of nickel production): - Russian Federation - Greece (ferronickel) - Macedonia (ferronickel) Nickel from matte: - Norway - Finland - France - United Kingdom Nickel from ore (full cycle of nickel production): - Russian Federation - Greece (ferronickel) - Macedonia (ferronickel) Nickel from matte: - Norway - Finland - France - United Kingdom

Main smelter and refinery nickel facilities in Europe

Technologies and main processes in nickel production Pyrometallurgical technology: Pyrometallurgical technology: from sulfidic ores: ore concentration–roasting-smelting- converting-smelting-refining;from sulfidic ores: ore concentration–roasting-smelting- converting-smelting-refining; from silicate ore: smelting-converting-smelting- refining); specificity: coke or coal as fuel, pyrites as additives;from silicate ore: smelting-converting-smelting- refining); specificity: coke or coal as fuel, pyrites as additives; from laterite ore: drying calcining-smelting-converting to matte or ferronickel.from laterite ore: drying calcining-smelting-converting to matte or ferronickel. Hydrometallurgical technology: Hydrometallurgical technology: from laterite ores: ammoniacal leaching-hydrogen reduction to oxide sinter;from laterite ores: ammoniacal leaching-hydrogen reduction to oxide sinter; from matte: chloride or sulfuric acid leaching or carbonyl process - refining.from matte: chloride or sulfuric acid leaching or carbonyl process - refining.

Principal scheme of nickel production: pyrometallurgical technology (sulfidic Ni-Cu ores) Copper production S, H 2 SO 4 production ConvertingFlash smelting Ore concentration Sintering Roasting Electric smelting Electric refining Converter matte Ni catodes Matte Electric smelting into: Description of sources

Principal scheme of nickel production: Pyrometallurgical reduction sulfidyzing technology, nickel silicate oxidized ores Furnace charge preparation Reduction sulfidyzing smelting (shaft furnaces) Converting Electric smelting Converter matte Matte Flash smelting Electric refining Ni cathodes

Principal scheme of nickel production: hydrometallurgical technology, nickel from matte (EC) Matte Sulfidic acid leaching Chloride leachingCarbonyl process Refining

Particulate emission: battery cyclones, ESP, wet scrubbers at agglomeration and smelting stages. Level of abatement: 92-99% (EECCA). SOx – waste gases washing with further sulfur or sulfuric acid production. Level of desulfurization - up to 75%. SOx emission depends on sulfur content in ore, technology, SOx content in waste gases, possibilities of sulfur from gases utilization. into: Emissions and control

Tier 1 Emission factors for refinery nickel production without smelter stage (hydrometallurgical technology, EC) into: Methods Tier 1 default emission factors CodeName NFR Source Category2.C.5.cNickel production FuelNAnot applicable PollutantValueUnit95% confidence interval Reference LowerUpper SOx18kg/Mg nickel940 TSP0,66kg/Mg nickel0,331,32 Eur.Comm. (2001) As1,6g/Mg nickel0,505,00 Eur.Comm. (2001) Cu28,0g/Mg nickel8,00100,00 Eur.Comm. (2001) Ni42.0g/Mg nickel Eur.Comm. (2001)

Tier 1 Emission factors for refinery nickel production with smelter stage ( nickel-copper sulfidic or nickel silicate oxidized ores, pyrometallurgical technology, EECCA) Tier 1 emission factors for source category 2.C.5.c, nickel production CodeName NFR Source Category2.C.5.anickel production FuelNAnot applicable PollutantValueUnit95% confidence interval Reference LowerUpper SOx3600,0kg/Mg nickel1200, TSP100,0kg/Mg nickel33,3300 As0,1kg/Mg nickel0,00,3 Cd0,1kg/Mg nickel0,030,3 Cu1,0kg/Mg nickel03 Ni2,8kg/Mg nickel0,98,4 Pb0,2kg/Mg nickel0,10,6 Zn0,1kg/Mg nickel0,00,3

Tier 2 Emission factors for nickel production. Pyrometallurgical technology, nickel-copper sulfidic ores, limited SOx control. EECCA Tier 2 emission factors for source category 2.C.5.c, nickel production CodeName NFR Source Category2.C.5.anickel production FuelNAnot applicable Technologies/Practices nickel-copper sulfidic ore, pyrometallurgica technology (roasting kilns with fluidized bed) Region or regional conditions EECCA Abatement technologies Dust control ~ 95% (ESP), limited SOx control (desulfurisation level ~ 10%), PollutantValueUnit95% confidence intervalReference LowerUpper SOx4500,0kg/Mg nickel1500, TSP30,0kg/Mg nickel10,090 As0,1kg/Mg nickel0,00,3 Cd0,1kg/Mg nickel0,030,3 Cu1,0kg/Mg nickel03 Ni4,6kg/Mg nickel1,513,8 Pb0,2kg/Mg nickel0,10,6 Zn0,1kg/Mg nickel0,00,3

Tier 2 Emission factors for nickel production. Pyrometallurgic technology, nickel-copper sulfidic ore or converter matte, average level of SOx control. EECCA Tier 2 emission factors for source category 2.C.5.c, nickel production CodeName NFR Source Category2.C.5.anickel production FuelNAnot applicable Technologies/Practices nickel-copper sulfidic ore, converter matte, pyrometallurgical technology Region or regional conditions EECCA Abatement technologies High efficiency of dust abatement (98%) (ESP, WSB), average level of SOx abatement (desulfurisation – 30-75%) PollutantValueUnit95% confidence intervalReference LowerUpper SOx700,0kg/Mg nickel233,32100 TSP60,0kg/Mg nickel20,0180 As0,1kg/Mg nickel0,00,3 Cd0,1kg/Mg nickel0,030,3 Cu1,0kg/Mg nickel03 Ni3,3kg/Mg nickel1,19,9 Pb0,2kg/Mg nickel0,10,6 Zn0,1kg/Mg nickel0,00,3

Tier 2 emission factors for source category 2.C.5.c, nickel production CodeName NFR Source Category2.C.5.anickel production FuelNAcoke Technologies/Practices Silicate nickel (oxidized) ore, reduction sulfidyzing pyrometallurgical technology (shaft furnaces) Region or regional conditions EECCA Abatement technologies Average level of dust abatement (90%), no or limited SOx control PollutantValueUnit95% confidence intervalReference LowerUpper SOx7000,0kg/Mg nickel2333, TSP850,0kg/Mg nickel283,32550 As0,1kg/Mg nickel0,00,3 Cd0,1kg/Mg nickel0,030,3 Cu1,0kg/Mg nickel03 Ni2,2kg/Mg nickel0,76,6 Pb0,3kg/Mg nickel0,10,9 Zn0,1kg/Mg nickel0,00,3 Tier 2 Emission factors for nickel production. Reduction sulfidyzing technology, oxidized silicate nickel ore, limited or no SOx control. EECCA

Tier 2 Emission factors for ferronickel production. Pyrometallurgical technology. EC Tier 2 emission factors for source category 2.C.5.c, ferronickel production CodeName NFR Source Category2.C.5.anickel production FuelNAnot applicable Technologies/Practices ferronickel production, smelting Region or regional conditionsEC Abatement technologies limited control PollutantValueUnit95% confidence interval Reference LowerUpper SOx195,0kg/Mg nickel65,0585 PM1035,0kg/Mg nickel11,7105 Cr20,0g/Mg nickel Ni4,2g/Mg nickel1,412,6

Application of results Spatial resolution of SOx emission can be improved. For instance, it is seen that Cola Peninsula SOx emissions in Webdab (32.4 thous. tones for 2005), used for EMEP modeling are underestimated taking into account nickel-copper production facilities in this region. SOx emission by 50x50 EMEP grid in 2006, tonnes (WebDab)

- SOx and PM emission factors seems rather low uncertainty; - HM emission factors are highly uncertain (except Ni and Cu); As, Pb, Cd emissions are expected when pyrite is used in technological process. Uncertainties

- proposed addition aimed at improvement of applicability of the Guidebook chapter for real life emission inventory work; - it is difficult to divide emission by product when different products (metals: nickel, copper, cobalt etc. ) are produced at the same plant: special comments are necessary in Data Quality section which will allow to exclude double counting or missing sources; - sources of statistical data need to be shown; - bibliography to be improved. Concluding remarks

Plans for 2010 in-kind: - further improvements to the GB in view of POPs, HM and overall in view of EECCA countries technological specificity.

Thank You for Your attention!