Time story
This is Sarah, she is off to visit her grandma….
If Sarah leaves her house at 7 O’Clock in the morning, and it takes her 2 hours to get to grandmas house, what time will she get there? 2 Hours
Sarah got to her grandmothers house at 9 O’clock in the morning
Grandma makes Sarah some breakfast, this takes one hour, what time is it now One Hour
It is now 10 O’Clock in the Morning. Sarah helps Grandma do the gardening this takes 1 hour minutes, what time is it when they finish? 1 Hour
That’s right, its now 11 O’clock in the Morning Sarah and Grandma watch a film this last for two hours, do you know what time it is now? 2 Hours
1 O’clock in the Afternoon and time for lunch. Sarah and Grandma have a salad for lunch and it takes them one hour to eat it, what time is it now? One Hour
Two O’clock in the afternoon and time for Sarah to go home. Walking home takes Sarah 2 hours. What time does Sarah get home? 2 Hours
Well done Sarah got home at 4 O'clock in the Afternoon