Status (choose one: planning, designing 10/28/11) Staff-level training Audience (for NPS & Partners as a “brown-bag”) Thematic statement :Provideing an overview of impacts of Climate Change in our NPS’ & BOHA specifically. Measurable Objective(s): Will use the survey from Evaluation team that includes 6 Americas & other specific measureables. Interp/Educational Techniques: Using tangibles & intangibles, photos of comparison & contrast. Description of product : 20 min powerpoint ; 15 min. discussion to include either a pair: share or at least a 5 min’s to share with the person beside you what you learned. Divide each speaker into 3 min sessions; 3 addt’l trainings to follow: – 1 st trng for in-house park (NPS & Boston Harbor Islands Alliance) – 2 nd trng for interagency Green Team (& to go deeper on Earth 2 Sky materials & lessons.) – 3 rd trng to facility managers at Thompson Island Outward Bound Education Center (TIOBEC) & MA Department of Conservation & Recreation (DCR) Timeline to complete (10/24/2011 for 1 st training) NASA Resource(s) used are included in P. Gonzalez ppt. NPS Resource used: Ecological Impacts of Climate Change ppt by Patrick Gonzalez + adding BOHA cultural resources (&/or NPS # of culturally affected resources) Image(s) of product, best if in action Supported by NASA ROSES Grant NNH09CF00C For More Information Contact: Impacts of Climate Change
Status (choose one: planning, designing 10/28/11) Exhibit (for Northeast Region, like Will’s) Team: working with Edmund Sharron (Northeast Temp Net) Audience (park visitors; 15,000 in summer 2012) Thematic statement : Climate effects the Northeast. What are we measuring at Boston Harbor Islands National Park? Measurable Objective(s): Interp/Educational Technique(s): Create an interactive & permanent exhibit off the dock of Georges Island that measures sea level rise & provides non- static local info on sea level data on a visual board to be accessed by all visitors on the dock. Show what we are doing & demonstrate what you might do! Timeline to complete (August 2012?) NASA Resource(s) used (list most used) NPS Resources: Request/apply for coastal or climate funds from NPCA Supported by NASA ROSES Grant NNH09CF00C For More Information Contact: D awn Tesorero at Boston Harbor Islands National Park or Ed Sharron at Northeast Temperate Network Project Title
Status (choose one: planning, designing 9/29/11) Weather, Water & Warming 6 th Graders (60 students on 3-4 Boston Public Schools for overnight Environmental Connections programs with partner: TIOBEC, Thompson Island Outward Bound Education Center) Thematic statement: Measure the weather & monitor the Climate Change on the Boston Harbor Islands Measurable Objective(s): Interp/Educational Technique(s): Description of product: Using NASA resources Boston Public School students will measure the H2O in the air using the GLOBE kit & set up a permanent weather station for continual weather collection to be compared in the TIOBEC lab to electronic readings from UMASS, on island monitoring station. Timeline to complete (03/05/12) NASA Resource(s) used : Contact National Weather Service, request /purchase a GLOBE Contact GPM (Precipitation, specifically Dalia for linking to her lessons Use CERES visualizations for cloud details; Use Aqua for ocean details; use LandStat & compare to Boston Harbor Chart (NOAA). visualizations, images, climate change websites, & Earth Observatory. Supported by NASA ROSES Grant NNH09CF00C For More Information Contact: Dawn Tesorero, Boston Harbor Islands