Resurrection Lutheran Church Congregational Meeting February 21, 2010.


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Presentation transcript:

Resurrection Lutheran Church Congregational Meeting February 21, 2010

Agenda Establish Quorum Opening Hymn and Prayer Approval of June Minutes Annual Report Amendments to Constitution Nominations and Elections Updates to the Congregation Stewardship Update Status of Dedicated Accounts Finance Update Brainstorming and Discussion Closing Prayer and Hymn Bob Martin Rachael > Pastors Bob Martin Rachael O Bob Martin Terri > Rachael Rachael O Eric Carlson Rachael O Dave Irving Rachael > Council Pastors

Bob Martin Rachael > Pastors Bob Martin Rachael O Bob Martin Terri > Rachael Rachael O Eric Carlson Rachael O Dave Irving Rachael > Council Pastors Agenda Establish Quorum Opening Hymn and Prayer Approval of June Minutes Annual Report Amendments to Constitution Nominations and Elections Updates to the Congregation Stewardship Update Status of Dedicated Accounts Finance Update Brainstorming and Discussion Closing Prayer and Hymn

Bob Martin Rachael > Pastors Bob Martin Rachael O Bob Martin Terri > Rachael Rachael O Eric Carlson Rachael O Dave Irving Rachael > Council Pastors Agenda Establish Quorum Opening Hymn and Prayer Approval of June Minutes Annual Report Amendments to Constitution Nominations and Elections Updates to the Congregation Stewardship Update Status of Dedicated Accounts Finance Update Brainstorming and Discussion Closing Prayer and Hymn

Bob Martin Rachael > Pastors Bob Martin Rachael O Bob Martin Terri > Rachael Rachael O Eric Carlson Rachael O Dave Irving Rachael > Council Pastors Agenda Establish Quorum Opening Hymn and Prayer Approval of June Minutes Annual Report Amendments to Constitution Nominations and Elections Updates to the Congregation Stewardship Update Status of Dedicated Accounts Finance Update Brainstorming and Discussion Closing Prayer and Hymn

Bob Martin Rachael > Pastors Bob Martin Rachael O Bob Martin Terri > Rachael Rachael O Eric Carlson Rachael O Dave Irving Rachael > Council Pastors Agenda Establish Quorum Opening Hymn and Prayer Approval of June Minutes Annual Report Amendments to Constitution Nominations and Elections Updates to the Congregation Stewardship Update Status of Dedicated Accounts Finance Update Brainstorming and Discussion Closing Prayer and Hymn

2009 Amendments to the Model Constitution for Congregations as approved by the Eleventh Church wide Assembly August 17–23, 2009 Additions are underlined. Deletions are struck through. To amend C to make it consistent with C12.02.: C Should a member’s place on the Congregation Council be declared vacant, the Congregation Council shall elect, by majority vote, a successor until the next annual meeting. Individuals who have served less than one-half of a regular term shall be eligible for nomination and possible election to a full term.

2009 Amendments to the Model Constitution for Congregations as approved by the Eleventh Church wide Assembly August 17–23, 2009 To amend *C because a member cannot be compelled to appear: *C The process for discipline of a member of the congregation shall be governed as prescribed by the chapter on discipline in the Constitution, Bylaws, and Continuing Resolutions of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. If discipline against a member proceeds beyond counseling and admonition by the pastor, charges against the accused member(s) that are specific and in writing shall be prepared by member(s) of the congregation who shall sign the charges as the accuser(s). The written charges shall be filed with the pastor, who shall advise the Congregation Council of the need to issue a written citation to the accused and the accusers that specifies the time and place of the hearing before the Congregation Council. The written charges shall accompany the written citation to the accused. A member charged with the offense shall appear before the Congregation Council after having received a written citation at least ten days prior to the meeting. The written citation that specifies the time and place of the hearing before the Congregation Council and requests the presence of a member charged with the offense shall be sent at least ten days prior to the meeting. If the member charged with the offense fails to appear at the scheduled hearing, the Congregation Council may proceed with the hearing and may pass judgment in the member’s absence.

2009 Amendments to the Model Constitution for Congregations as approved by the Eleventh Church wide Assembly August 17–23, 2009 Additions are underlined. Deletions are struck through. To amend and add the following to make the process for establishment of additional sites for worship parallel to the process for relocation: To amend: *C6.06. If this congregation considers relocation, it shall confer with the bishop of the synod in which it is territorially located and the appropriate program unit of the church wide organization before any steps are taken leading to such action. The approval of the Synod Council shall be received before any such action is effected.

2009 Amendments to the Model Constitution for Congregations as approved by the Eleventh Church wide Assembly August 17–23, 2009 Additions are underlined. Deletions are struck through. To add the following to provide an interdependent process for the establishment of additional sites for worship: *C6.07. If this congregation considers developing an additional site to be used regularly for worship, it shall confer with the bishop of the synod in which it is territorially located and the appropriate program unit of the church wide organization before any steps are taken leading to such action.

2009 Amendments to the Model Constitution for Congregations as approved by the Eleventh Church wide Assembly August 17–23, 2009 Additions are underlined. Deletions are struck through. To amend the following to provide for the termination of a call when a parish arrangement terminates: *C9.05. a. The call of a congregation, when accepted by a pastor, shall constitute a continuing mutual relationship and commitment, which, except in the case of the death of the pastor, shall be terminated only following consultation with the synodical bishop and for the following reasons:... 6) the dissolution of the congregation or the termination of a parish arrangement; or… [with the rest unchanged]

2009 Amendments to the Model Constitution for Congregations as approved by the Eleventh Church wide Assembly August 17–23, 2009 Additions are underlined. Deletions are struck through. To add *C to make explicit what happens to a call when a parish dissolves: *C Whenever a parish arrangement is terminated, the call of any rostered person serving that parish is terminated. Should any congregation that formerly was part of the parish arrangement desire to issue a new call to that rostered person, it may do so in accordance with the call process of this church.

Bob Martin Rachael > Pastors Bob Martin Rachael O Bob Martin Terri > Rachael Rachael O Eric Carlson Rachael O Dave Irving Rachael > Council Pastors Agenda Establish Quorum Opening Hymn and Prayer Approval of June Minutes Annual Report Amendments to Constitution Nominations and Elections Updates to the Congregation Stewardship Update Status of Dedicated Accounts Finance Update Brainstorming and Discussion Closing Prayer and Hymn

For election to the Congregation Council (terms as noted): Mark Casperson (4 months – June 2010) Brian Dickerson (2 years – June 2012)

For election to a one year term as Synod Assembly Delegate: Eric Carlson Ike Johnson Esther Johnson Bob Martin Alternates: Tom and Nancy Evans Synod Assembly meets June 2010 at Roanoke College, Salem, VA. Delegates gather congregational concerns, represent us, and report back to the congregation at our June congregational meeting.

For election to the Mission Endowment Committee: Sabrina Stringer Colleen Butler Ken Tillman Jeff Sohlke

These are the Nominating Team members effective February 21 st 2010: Tom Evans Karen Meyers Eric Carlson Ike Johnson Esther Johnson Bob Martin Nominating Team recommends to Council the names of members to be called to leadership positions in the congregation. Council considers and affirms nominations to Pastors who issue calls.

Bob Martin Rachael > Pastors Bob Martin Rachael O Bob Martin Terri > Rachael Rachael O Eric Carlson Rachael O Dave Irving Rachael > Council Pastors Agenda Establish Quorum Opening Hymn and Prayer Approval of June Minutes Annual Report Amendments to Constitution Nominations and Elections Updates to the Congregation Stewardship Update Status of Dedicated Accounts Finance Update Brainstorming and Discussion Closing Prayer and Hymn

Updates to the Congregation Special Congregational meeting held 13 December 2009 – 5 proposals voted upon, all 5 failed As of 3 January 2010 Received Resignations from Two Staff Members – Susan Cheatham – Family Life Minister – Greg Brock – Youth Minister Pastors have reviewed membership list to provide best guest of families who have chosen to leave RLC – Have received letters of resignation/transfer from 7 families – Estimate that approximately 46 families (total) will no longer be worshipping at RLC

Updates to the Congregation Cont. New Financial Secretary and Assistant Financial Secretary Appointed in October 2009 – Welcome to Donna Roberts and Jack Morisak New Treasurer Appointed 4 February – Welcome to Dave Irving Back Payment to Pastors’ Pension Funds – Began repaying funds January 2009 at a rate of $400 per month ($200 per Pastor) – Completed repayment to Pastor Carol’s Pension Plan in February 2010 – Will increase repayment to Pastor Jim’s Pension Plan to $400 a month, completing his reimbursement in July 2010

Bob Martin Rachael > Pastors Bob Martin Rachael O Bob Martin Terri > Rachael Rachael O Eric Carlson Rachael O Dave Irving Rachael > Council Pastors Agenda Establish Quorum Opening Hymn and Prayer Approval of June Minutes Annual Report Amendments to Constitution Nominations and Elections Updates to the Congregation Stewardship Update Status of Dedicated Accounts Finance Update Brainstorming and Discussion Closing Prayer and Hymn

Stewardship Update - February 2010 We’re a Mission Congregation again! What’s YOUR mission? Our Vision: Giving our lives joyfully in Witness and Service  Giving  Joy  Financial Support (Liquid Love)  Bearing Witness – Spread the Good News!  Doing Service – Working together for Christ!

Witness and Service Forms

Mission and Ministry

Mission and Ministry After our meeting in December, 46 of our “giving units” are assessed as having left our congregation. Those 46 in aggregate gave $68,000 / year to M&M – an average per unit of $1500 /year. To make up for their loss, all of us left (184 of us) could simply give an extra $10 per week beyond what we’re giving now. That would give us about $30,000 / year more than what those who left would have given.

Capital Appeal – Building Fund

Capital Appeal (Building Fund) After our meeting in December, 46 of our “giving units” are assessed as having left our congregation. Those 46 in aggregate gave $17,000 / year to capital – an average of $370 /year per giving unit. To make up for their loss, all of us left (184 of us) could simply give an extra $2 per week beyond what we’re giving now. That would give us about $2,000 / year more than what those who left would have given.

Capital Appeal Pledges and Contributions GIVEN TO DATE: $1,190,721 PLEDGED TO DATE: $1,335,000 $2,500,000 $2,000,000 $1,500,000 $1,250,000 $1,000,000 $750,000 $500,000 Capital Fund Appeal Status as of February 20th 2010 $1,750,000 AVERAGE GIVEN PER MONTH BY MEMBERS (Since April 2004): $12,679 $2,250,000 $3,000,000! Called to Grow! Blessed to Bee! The Capital Appeal starts this Fall! Have an Attitude of Gratitude!

What YOU Can do! Be Joyful! Bear Witness! Do Service! Adopt a Room -- Adopt a Garden Give an extra gift on “Miracle Sunday” (Easter) Tithe Keep giving weekly to the Capital Fund Assess your “Expressed Income” …

Possibilities! Median Annual Income:$60,000 Average Tithe: $6,000 Number of Giving Units: 184 If only 100 of us Tithed, and the rest gave nothing, our Annual M&M giving would be: $600,000 If all of us Tithed, our Annual M&M giving would be: $1,104,000

Bob Martin Rachael > Pastors Bob Martin Rachael O Bob Martin Terri > Rachael Rachael O Eric Carlson Rachael O Dave Irving Rachael > Council Pastors Agenda Establish Quorum Opening Hymn and Prayer Approval of June Minutes Annual Report Amendments to Constitution Nominations and Elections Updates to the Congregation Stewardship Update Status of Dedicated Accounts Finance Update Brainstorming and Discussion Closing Prayer and Hymn

Status of Dedicated Accounts as of 31 January 2010 Dedicated Account Balance = $5, Total that should be in Dedicated Accounts = $37, How did this happen? – Funds are not being transferred in a timely manner from the M&M checking account to the Dedicated Funds checking account – For FYE expenses exceeded income by approximately $1, – For July 09 – Jan 10 expenses exceeded income by approximately $32, – There were only a few thousand dollars of “reserve money” in the M&M checking account prior to FYE – We do not currently have a line of credit because it was revoked due to non use Proposed budget for remainder of FY contains line item to begin repaying dedicated funds – Anticipate beginning to repay funds in May 2010 due to increased expenses not paid for yet (snow removal, etc)

Bob Martin Rachael > Pastors Bob Martin Rachael O Bob Martin Terri > Rachael Rachael O Eric Carlson Rachael O Dave Irving Rachael > Council Pastors Agenda Establish Quorum Opening Hymn and Prayer Approval of June Minutes Annual Report Amendments to Constitution Nominations and Elections Updates to the Congregation Stewardship Update Status of Dedicated Accounts Finance Update Brainstorming and Discussion Closing Prayer and Hymn

Capital Campaign Account Account created at the start of Capital Campaign One, April 2004 Currently used to pay 2 nd mortgage (for new building) with funds collected during Capital Campaign One and Capital Campaign Two (concludes April 2010) Difference between the contracted price of the building and the actual cost was approximately $277,227 (11.7% increase) Those extra funds were intended to pay the 2 nd mortgage until Capital Campaign Three was underway

Capital Campaign Account As of collections on 2/14 there is approximately $23,000 left in this account 2 nd mortgage commitment is approximately $13,000 a month Remaining 2 nd mortgage is $2 million Average contributions to capital account during FY 10 (Jul 09-Jan ’10) of families remaining in congregation is approximately $10,000 a month No formal capital campaign planned until sometime this fall Account will run dry sometime around June 2010 if we don’t make significant adjustments to the budget

Profit and Loss (Jul 09- Jan’10) IncomeExpensesP&LCapital Contributions Mortgage New Building P&L July 09$35,396$44,522$(9,126)$7,835$12.905$(14,196) August 09$40,003$39,812$191$16,328$12,905$3,614 September 09$31,041$35,941$(4,900)$13,900$12,905$(3,905) October 09$31,623$36,289$(4,666)$47,748$12,905$(9,823) November 09$35,561$31,492$4,069$9,334$12,905$498 December 09$28,870$28,067$803$18,187$12,905$6,085 January ‘ 10 $30,118$49,054$(18,936)$7,066$12,905$(24,775) Total YTD$232,612$265,177$(32,565)$80,398$90335$(45,502) Avg Monthly$33,230$37,882$(4,652)$11,485$12,905$(6,072)

Budget Changes March 1 – June Reduction in Benevolence Synod and Church wide Support for ELCA, for the remainder of the fiscal year reduced from 8% to 1% of the Mission and Ministry Budget. Reduction in Pastoral Salaries Both Pastor Jim and Pastor Carol will receive a 30% reduction in salary, effective the first pay period in March 2010 Janitorial Service Discontinued Copier Maintenance Contract Cancelled Repayment to Dedicated Funds Added Repayment planned over course of 2 years beginning in May 2010 Cut all funding for ministry teams Music, family life, evangelism-outreach, youth

Bob Martin Rachael > Pastors Bob Martin Rachael O Bob Martin Terri > Rachael Rachael O Eric Carlson Rachael O Dave Irving Rachael > Council Pastors Agenda Establish Quorum Opening Hymn and Prayer Approval of June Minutes Annual Report Amendments to Constitution Nominations and Elections Updates to the Congregation Stewardship Update Status of Dedicated Accounts Finance Update Brainstorming and Discussion Closing Prayer and Hymn

Bob Martin Rachael > Pastors Bob Martin Rachael O Bob Martin Terri > Rachael Rachael O Eric Carlson Rachael O Dave Irving Rachael >Council Pastors Agenda Establish Quorum Opening Hymn and Prayer Approval of June Minutes Annual Report Amendments to Constitution Nominations and Elections Updates to the Congregation Stewardship Update Status of Dedicated Accounts Finance Update Brainstorming and Discussion Closing Prayer and Hymn