Causes of World War II
Two major causes: World-wide depression The rise of totalitarianism and fascism Adolf Hitler—Germany Benito Mussolini—Italy Joseph Stalin—Soviet Union Tojo Hideki—Japan Francisco Franco—Spain
World-Wide Economic Depression United States of America “The Great Depression” World-Wide food shortages. Small group discussion: What does food shortages cause people to do?
Totalitarianism Totalitarianism—relating to or operating a centralized government system in which a single party without opposition rules over political, economic, social, and cultural life.
Fascism Fascism—any movement, ideology, or attitude that favors dictatorial government, centralized control of private enterprise, repression of all opposition, and extreme nationalism.
Totalitarianism and Fascism The rise of totalitarianism and fascism is one of the most important events in the 20 th century. Totalitarianism and fascism gain momentum at the same time as communism. Small group discussion: Why was this movement so important? Why did these two separate movements happen at the same time?
Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party Ideology: Anti-Semitic Economically, culturally, religiously, biologically. Give the message the public wants to hear. Why is everything going so badly? Used social-darwinism. Anti-communist Against the Treaty of Versailles.
Adolf Hitler Rise to power: He did not “take-over” Democratically gained control. He wanted a big military take-over. Tried in 1923 in the “Beer Haul Putsch” Fuhrer Cult Women adored him Very hygienic
How Hitler got Germany out of economic depression: Re-armament—against Treaty of Versailles Deficit Spending—like FDR in America Autobahns Got the support of the German people. Started to take aggressive actions Ex. Czechoslovakia