Global Study on Child poverty and disparities Orientation Meeting Presentation Hanoi, 14 th March 2008
Outline 1.Why? (Background) 2.What for? (Purpose) 3.In what sense? (Conceptual Framework) 4. What? (Outputs) 5. How? (Process) 6.Who? (Organigram) 7.When? (Timeframe)
1.Why? (Background) Persistence of poverty == weak progress toward the MDGs Progress towards MDGs BUT millions of children and women left-behind 50% of children in the developing world severely deprived of one or more of the following seven dimensions of poverty: nutrition, health, education, water, sanitation, information, and housing. - Need for a Global Study on child poverty and disparities -> contribute to a comprehensive strategy for making countries’ development, social protection and sector strategies more responsive to child poverty
2. What for? (Purpose) Strengthen the profile of children at the national policy debates; Influence the economic and social policies that affect resource allocations; Make children a priority in national programs. Through: Leveraging evidence, analysis, policy and partnership to deliver results for ALL children. Making policymakers and the public better able to identify and address gaps in current responses. Identifying how public policies could be more effective responses for realising children’s rights and ending child poverty.
Analytical “lens” of the study: Gaps and opportunities in national PR strategies (overall analysis) Poverty and disadvantages of families with children (analysis of poverty at family level) How public policies could more effectively reduce child deprivations (analysis of solutions at both levels) Increasingly specific
3. In what sense? (Conceptual Framework)(2) Analyse the links between economic and social policy and children’s outcomes: 1. how poverty impacts children (what factors explain progress and disparities in child outcomes) 2. how public policies, private and civil society efforts affect these outcomes (Who benefits, who is left out, how?)
3. In what sense? (Conceptual Framework) (3) Comprehensive child poverty concept considers: 1)Income and non-income factors that determine the fulfillment of child rights 2)Impact of resource scarcity and deprivations on children 3)Childhood separate from adulthood (life cycle approach) 4)Children deprived of a safe and caring environment are also most likely to experience other deprivations
In what sense? (Conceptual Framework)(4) Examine 5 areas of public policy: 1.Family income/assets 2.Maternal and child nutrition 3.Child and parental health 4.Child Protection 5.Education
4. What? (Outputs) 1.) Policy Template -assess existing national efforts aimed at reducing child poverty -assess disparities in MDG progress, -use national policy documents, including NTP-PRs, budget documents, reports to UN treaty bodies and sector approaches, etc. 2.) Statistical Template -compile data on poverty and child outcomes -Use data from MICS3, VHLSS, DHS, census, etc 3.) Country Analysis Report -analyse policies and outcomes -identify the linkages between policy and child outcomes -Use 1 and 2 above
Outline of country analysis report Max. 65 pages Overview Chpt 1: main findings, context Chpt 2: analysis & assessment of child poverty, causes Chpt 3: review of laws, policies, institutions associated with outcomes for girls and boys Chpt 4: policy strategy and recommendations to achieve results for girls and boys Statistical annex
5. How? (Process) Policy Template Statistical Template Country Analysis Report Prepared by consultant team Reviewed by the Country team and reference group 1. Country Team co-leaders: UNICEF, MOLISA 2. Country Expert Team: Consultants (SEDEC), Statistical Experts (GSO) 3. Reference groups: Policy Experts (ministry focal points) Statistical Experts (GSO) Policy experts (SEDEC Plus)
UNICEF Vietnam (Country focal point/HQ liaison) SEDEC (Policy templates) Country team (Country analysis report) MOLISA (Coordination, leadership) Policy expert (Focal points) MOF Policy expert (Focal points) MOET Policy expert (Focal points) MOH Policy expert (Focal points) MPI Policy expert (Focal points) MOJ Policy expert (Focal points) MOLISA Policy expert (Focal points) MARD GSO (Statistical templates) IPI Data Compilation Policy expert (Focal points) MOCST Policy expert (Focal points) CEM UNICEF HQ (Guidance, Supervision ) TechnicalExpertsTechnicalExperts Reference Reference 6. Who ? (Organigram)
7. When? (Timeframe) 1)Form the country expert team (February) 2)Work on the Policy Template + Stat template (mainly March-April) 3) Prepare Draft Country Analysis Report (mainly May-June 2008) 4) Finalization of the Country Analysis Report (end June 2008)