Librarians By Chloe and Emily
What does a Librarian do? A librarian is a person that works in the library. A librarian can help you to find books and or cheek- out books
How do you become a Librarian? First you have to go to collage for four years. You need two more years to get your Master’s degree in Library and Information Science. Most librarians specialize in certain libraries. In this case it is school libraries.
What makes a good librarian? Something that makes a good librarian is that they love to read and learn about new things. A Librarian needs to be good with kids and other people.
Works Cited Personal Interviews: Mrs. Myers, LMS. 5/15. Mrs. Bonner, Principal. 5/15. Bauld, Jane. We Need Librarians. Mankato. Capstone Print. Garrett, Winston. What Does a Library Media Specialist Do? New York. Rosen Print. Liebman, Daniel. I Want to be a Librarian. Buffalo Print.