gate ICTP, Trieste, October 4-5, 2002 Information Service on the Adaptation and Dissemination of Technologies: Possible use of www4mail in the GATE and GTZ context presented by: Carolin Bothe, GATE – Information Manager
gate ICTP, Trieste, October 4-5, 2002 outline GTZ structural organisation of the GTZ & the GATE programme goals & activities of GATE possible use of www4mail in the GTZ context in the GATE context
gate ICTP, Trieste, October 4-5, 2002 GTZ is... the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (German Agency for Technical Cooperation) an international active state owned company working for the German government but also for other public and private, national and international costumers contributing to the political, economical, ecological and social development worldwide
gate ICTP, Trieste, October 4-5, 2002 GTZ mission To enable people and organisations in partner countries to improve their living conditions on their own responsibility and through their own efforts by transferring and mobilising technical, economic and organisational skills and expertise by promoting the framework conditions necessary for peaceful and self-determined development
gate ICTP, Trieste, October 4-5, 2002 GTZ... consults organizations in partner countries concerning planning, implementation & monitoring of their projects and programmes selects experts, trains and supports them during their longterm mission supports complex development- and reform processes carries out technical planning and provides project equipment gives financial contributions in the context of technical cooperation projects
gate ICTP, Trieste, October 4-5, 2002 GTZ all over the world GTZ-Offices GTZ-Headquarters EZ-Offices GTZ-Project Offices with special tasks: 1Almaty 2Altai 3Baku 4Belgrad 5Bischkek 6Bukarest 7Chisinau 8Duschanbe 9Eriwan 10Kaliningrad 11Moskau 12Nowosibirsk 13Odessa 14Priština 15Riga 16Sarajewo 17Saratow 18Skopje 19Sofia 20Taschkent 21Tiflis 22Tirana 23Zagreb
gate ICTP, Trieste, October 4-5, 2002 gate GTZ organisation chart
gate ICTP, Trieste, October 4-5, 2002 objective... is to contribute to the poverty alleviation in developing countries by strengthening self help initiatives of the poor to apply innovative appropriate technologies... is to improving the technological competence and information access of organisations and individuals working in or with self help groups... is to promote the use of socially sound and climate & environment friendly technologies
gate ICTP, Trieste, October 4-5, 2002 NGO-Network in Westafrica (SIATA) Regional Information Service Centre for Southeast Asia on Appropriate Technology (RISE-AT) Information system for Rural Development in Ecuador, Bolivia and Peru (ecuarural) NGO-Regional Co-operation (RC) Small Scale Project Fund (KPF) Environmental Grants umbrella programme Co-ordination Service for Appropriate Building Technologies (BASIN) BASIN-newsletter BASIN-database co-publication of “Appropriate Technology” GATE- internal library Information service (ID) Question & Answer service International Network on Technical Information (INTI) Information- & Communication Technology
gate ICTP, Trieste, October 4-5, 2002 www4mail in GTZ promotion on the level of sectoral projects, library and other content providers (e.g. GATE, Crystal) promotion and training on the level of regional projects promotion of the use in the regional offices
gate ICTP, Trieste, October 4-5, 2002 www4mail in GATE distribution of technical information via www4mail as more and more inquiries arrive in via publication of a technical brief on the use of www4mail immediate integration of the www4mail tool in up-coming projects inclusion of www4mail in the consulting portfolio
gate ICTP, Trieste, October 4-5, 2002 contact GTZ / GATE Information Service Dag-Hammarskjöld-Weg Eschborn Germany Phone: +49 (0) Fax: +49 (0) Internet: thank you for your attention !!