CO2 in Power Plant Waters Review, Trends and Management Kirk Buecher Matarvattenkonferensen 2014
Agenda Some of the basics - Where does it come from? - What is the impact on corrosion? - What is the impact on analytics? Industry trends - Cycling Plants - Gas Combined Cycle - "Mega" Coal Plants Problem with CO2? Steps to manage CO2
Some of the basics Where does it come from? Directly or indirectly from raw/source waters - Direct : Some surface water and well water sources have higher levels of carbonates - Indirect : Higher levels of Organics in the source water will break down into organic acids and CO2 From the processes inside the plant - Air Ingress : 21% O2 with.04% CO2 - Water storage : "Hungry water fighting back to equilibrium" Conductivity increases quickly with air contact from ~0.06 μS/cm to 1.8 – 2.0 μS/cm within 6-12 hours - Boiler Steam Cycle : Breakdown of some treatment chemicals (amines) and any other organics present 2
Impact on Corrosion A supporting not primary actor IAPWS - It is considered non-corrosive to the steam turbine, when its concentration is within reasonable limits CO2 (Carbonic Acid) is a volatile weak acid However, if it is present with O2 The combined effect is even higher levels of corrosion at accelerated rates - Example – Acid in the condensate attacks tube walls forming ferrous bicarbonate. With any O2 present in the feedwater, it oxidizes to ferric oxide, liberating the CO2 to repeat the process 3
Relative Strength of CO2 4
Impact on Corrosion 5 Corrosion as a result of CO2 typically involves grooving patterns and general wall thinning
Impact on Analytics Interferes with accuracy and clear decision making, based on the relationship between readings Misleading high readings on Cation Conductivity masking other more serious problems - Creates doubt around the alerts/alarms for the most important water sample panel parameter Affects pH leading to overdosing of phosphate or ammonia But measurement of CO2 is possible using ASTM methods 6
7 Specific, Cation, Degassed Conductivity Cation Exchanger NH 4 +, OH -, Na +, H +, Cl -, HCO 3 - H +, Cl -, CO 2, HCO 3 -, OH - R–H + Degas Unit CO 2 H +, Cl -, OH - Specific Conductivity Cation (Acid) Conductivity Degassed Cation Conductivity R–NH 4 + R–Na Conductivity (µS/cm) Specific Cation Degassed Cation NH 4 + OH - Na + Cl - HCO 3 - H + Cl - HCO3 - H + Cl -
Relative Impact of CO2 to Acid Conductivity 8 Concentration (ug/kg) Acid Conductivity (uS/kg)
9 Computed CO 2 Cation Conductivity minus Degassed Cation Conductivity ASTM D4519
10 Summary of Computed Parameters Specific conductivity at 25°C → Cation conductivity at 25°C → Degassed Cation Conductivity at 25°C → Computed pH at 25°C Computed CO 2 (ASTM D4519)
Industry Trends Cycling Plants Better accuracy, faster response to get to that critical "go/no go" full load decision Gas Turbine/Combined Cycle Plants Tend to cycle more AND have more problems with high volume water treatment and CO2 levels "Mega" Coal Plants (2,000MW and up) With Super and Ultra Critical Boilers China leading the way Industry Standards & Boiler/Turbine Mfgs 11
Problem with CO2? CO2 + H2O -> H2CO3 -> HCO3- + H+ How do you know? Increased cation conductivity in condensate and feed water (with no condensate polisher) Decrease in cation conductivity from main condensate to feed water when increasing deaeration in feed water tank Acid conductivity of steam at the same level as the feed water No increasing tendency of acid conductivity (caustic, AVT) in boiler water With Phosphate, no increasing tendency in specific conductivity 12
Steps to manage CO2 13
Steps to manage CO2 Storage Tanks - CO2 Purging / Scrubbers - Covering the surface with floating balls - Using a floating roof - Nitrogen blanket (also helps reduce O2 absorption/ingress as well) Forced Draft DeAerators Membrane Contactors Measure and control Organic (TOC) contamination (helps manage/reduce overall acid level as well) DeGas Conductivity System as standard analytic tool 14
Internal usage only References IAPWS - Volatile treatments for the steam-water circuits of fossil and combined cycle/HRSG power plants, July 2010 IAPWS – Technical Guidance Document: Steam Purity for Turbine Operation, Sept 2013 IAPWS - Technical Guidance Document – 2012 Revision: Instrumentation for monitoring and control of cycle chemistry for the steam-water circuits of fossil- fired and combined-cycle power plants S N Mookerji and J C Kapur – Some problems of Corrosion in Thermal Power Plants Brad Buecker – Power Plant Water Chemistry : A Practical Guide 1997 David Addison - High Purity Water for Gas Turbine Injection – Industry Challenges with Storage and Measurement IAPWS PCC Workshop 2014 Karsten Thomsen – Acid conductivity – basics and some experiences, Matarvattenkonferensen