Inquiry Through Investigation Orientation Structures
F acilitating U nderstanding T hrough R eal life A pplication Genius can only breathe freely in an atmosphere of freedom. John Stuart Mill U tilizing
Welcome To FUTURA “Developing The Intellect” Weekly Schedule Monday: FHR 5th Tuesday: FHR 4th Wednesday: Leesburg Thursday: Seldens Landing Friday: Balls Bluff & Lucketts Students arrive at FUTURA at approximately 9:00-9:15 and depart at 1:45 to return to their homerooms/home schools.
FUTURA Daily Routine A Typical FUTURA day 9:15 Warm Up/Creative Problem Solving 9:30 Snack in Cafeteria (classrooms are food free) 9:45 Interest Centers 10:45 Structures Lesson A ~ Interactive Learning 11:50 Diversions (Recess) ~ Lunch 12:50 Assessment Portfolio development ~ Ketchup Presentations ~ Stories with Holes ~ Read Aloud 1:30 Wrap Up ~ Exit Pass ~ Dismissal
Program Goals To become divergent creative thinkers who recognize problems and solve them. To construct personal meaning and understanding of others and of the world around them. To develop the capacity of self-assessment and take ownership of one’s learning.
Expectations Academic Rigor 4 Has Qualitatively Different Academic Environments (More In-Depth, Complex and Abstract Concepts and Ideas) 4 Builds Upon Interests, Strengths and Personal Goals 4 Engages Consistently in Sophisticated Investigations of Materials, Texts, Interactive Technologies and Learning Activities 4 Employs Advanced Critical and Creative Processes 4 Investigative and Open-Ended Learning Processes 4 Utilizes Effectively Existing Knowledge and Creates New Knowledge 4 Develops and Applies Deep Understanding of Significant Concepts, Generalizations and Essential Questions to Problem Finding and Problem Solving 4 Sets No Predetermined Limits 4 Creates Life-Long Learners and Thinkers Capable of Independent Reflection, Self-Evaluation and Reasoning
Within the program of study, we offer advanced, sophisticated curriculum which consistently builds upon and extends beyond a standard course of study through universal concepts, complex levels of generalizations and essential questions from multiple perspectives within the topic. Students consistently engage in multiple, complex, thought-provoking and ambiguous texts/materials that challenge their thinking and feelings.
FUTURA School Year Curriculum~Structures Topics of Study Architecture Natural Structures Ancient Structures Cultures Design Structures in Language Throughout the Year Problem Solving Critical Thinking Creative Thinking Evaluative Thinking Deductive Thinking Communication Skills Analytical Skills Application of Technology
ESSENTIAL UNDERSTANDINGS Structures are self-supporting Structures meet the need of the builder Structures provide a framework Structures can be modified Structures are a meaningful arrangement of elements Structures obey the laws of nature
Through This Curriculum… Students become aware of… ScientificTechnicalMathematical Social Science Communication Fine Arts Real World
Hands on Learning! Sometimes questions are more important than answers. Nancy Willard
Interest Development Centers Traditional Centers 4 Extreme Math 4 Sudoku 4 Awesome Algebra 4 Game Strategist 4 Culture 4 Coming to America 4 Shakespeare 4 Medieval Time 4 ETC… Non-traditional 4 Cartooning 4 Weather 4 Natural Disasters 4 Famous People 4 Constellations 4 Optical Illusions 4 Challenging Projects for Creative Minds 4 Enigmas 4 Student-developed Independent Study
Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success! Henry Ford TEAMWORKTEAMWORK
Assessments Student Portfolios Interest Development Daily Exit Pass Formal County FUTURA assessments will be given at the end of each semester.
Performance Assessment Thinker Skills Problem Solving/Decision Making, Critical & Creative Thinking Worker Skills Pursuing Challenges, Managing Time, Producing Quality Work Connector Skills Communicating Making Real World Connections Reflector Skills Goal Setting, Self-Assessing Product or Performance
Communication Communication is the key to success in FUTURA. Please review your child’s binder weekly to find out what topics were covered and important information. Communication EXIT PASS
Regular Classroom Make- Up Work Policy All students have two days to make- up essential base school work. Students will not have assigned homework in FUTURA but they may choose to continue research work at home.
Supplies 4 Binders, dividers, composition journals, and folders are provided for new students. Returning 5 th graders are asked to use binders and folders during their second year. 4 Additionally, our classroom could use… Pencils Glue sticks Colored pencils Markers Tissues Wipes Straws Sharpies Erasers
Field Trip 4 Under Construction… 4 ? Building Museum 4 ? DC Scavenger Hunt 4 ? Luray Caverns 4 ???? Falling Water, Frank Lloyd
Withdrawals or Changes in Placement If, for any reason, a student needs to withdraw from the program, a parent conference is required.