Connecting Librarians Around the World Mortenson Center for International Library Programs The Evolution of Mortenson Projects in Africa
Connecting Librarians Around the World Mortenson Center for International Library Programs Timeline Actions Mellon funded Central American Project ends Mellon funds exploratory trip to South Africa Ford, MacArthur, Rockefeller and Carnegie Foundations create the Partnership to Strengthen African Universities $100 Million initiative for Mellon funds the 3 year South African Library Leadership Project for $247,000 December 1999 January December 2000
Connecting Librarians Around the World Mortenson Center for International Library Programs Timeline Actions Spring 2003 July 2003 January 2004 Spring 2004 Mellon funds a 3 rd group of librarians to participate in the SALLP Program Carnegie funds a program for public librarians in Kenya for $49,000 Carnegie funds a needs assessment visit to 7 universities in Ghana, Nigeria, Uganda and Tanzania for $42,000 MacArthur shows interest in our work with university libraries in Nigeria
Connecting Librarians Around the World Mortenson Center for International Library Programs Timeline Actions January 2005 March 2005 MacArthur funds a needs assessment visit to 3 university libraries in Nigeria Carnegie funds a 3 year project to provide technical and professional development assistance in library automation for 7 university libraries in Ghana, Nigeria, Tanzania and Uganda for $499,000 MacArthur asks if we will submit a proposal by September 2005 to work with 4 university libraries in Nigeria
Connecting Librarians Around the World Mortenson Center for International Library Programs Challenges for Academic Libraries in Ghana, Nigeria, Tanzania and Uganda
Connecting Librarians Around the World Mortenson Center for International Library Programs Difficult Political Settings Statue of war victim displayed in Makerere University Library in Uganda
Connecting Librarians Around the World Mortenson Center for International Library Programs Harsh Environment Heat, humidity and dust make the preservation of library materials difficult
Connecting Librarians Around the World Mortenson Center for International Library Programs Manual Systems Circulation records at Obafemi Owolowo University Library in Nigeria
Connecting Librarians Around the World Mortenson Center for International Library Programs Lack of Resources for New Acquisitions Displays for new journals, most are bulletins from NGOs or donations
Connecting Librarians Around the World Mortenson Center for International Library Programs Lack of Resources for New Acquisitions Books are in poor condition Most monographs pre-date 1990
Connecting Librarians Around the World Mortenson Center for International Library Programs Lack of Resources for New Acquisitions Donations of journals, most are out of date
Connecting Librarians Around the World Mortenson Center for International Library Programs Poor Facilities Lack of resources and weather wreak havoc on library facilities
Connecting Librarians Around the World Mortenson Center for International Library Programs Unstable Infrastructure New computer lab in Ghana shut down because of lack of electricity
Connecting Librarians Around the World Mortenson Center for International Library Programs Unfamiliarity with New Technology New computer lab in library is only open for students when librarians schedule training
Connecting Librarians Around the World Mortenson Center for International Library Programs Security New arrivals are locked up for use only in the library
Connecting Librarians Around the World Mortenson Center for International Library Programs Opportunities for Academic Libraries in Ghana, Nigeria, Tanzania and Uganda
Connecting Librarians Around the World Mortenson Center for International Library Programs Foundations New computers bought with Carnegie funds
Connecting Librarians Around the World Mortenson Center for International Library Programs Retro conversion Staff members working to input materials in WorldCat
Connecting Librarians Around the World Mortenson Center for International Library Programs New Technologies Training offered to users on new technologies
Connecting Librarians Around the World Mortenson Center for International Library Programs Digitization Digitizing a historic newspaper collection in Nigeria
Connecting Librarians Around the World Mortenson Center for International Library Programs New Construction New addition to a University Library in Ghana
Connecting Librarians Around the World Mortenson Center for International Library Programs Internet Cafes Popular sites for students on campus
Connecting Librarians Around the World Mortenson Center for International Library Programs New Computer Labs Ugandan students trained in electronic resources work on assignments
Connecting Librarians Around the World Mortenson Center for International Library Programs Back-up Power Systems Solar panels used to generate back-up power