Promoting Collaboration between Disability Services and Information Technology Cindy Camp SERID 20081
One National Center Mission: To increase the educational, career and lifetime choices available to individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing. Goal: To improve postsecondary outcomes individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing, including those with co-occurring disabilities.
Why do we need to collaborate? Because we don’t work in silos.
Do your conversations feel like this?
Speaking the Same Language
We Can be Friends
What’s in it for me?
Successful people are always looking for opportunities to help others. Unsuccessful people are always asking, what’s in it for me? Quote from:
Perspective is Everything
CLEAR Communication is Key
Five Principles of Collaboration Collaboration: –Requires that all team members want to work together towards a common goal –Is based on a sense that all participants are valued –Embraces the unique perspectives of all team members –Is based on a strong sense of purpose –Requires trust and a sense of shared responsibility Critical Elements for Collaboration 2008, University of Vermont and Pacer Center
Creating a Champion for your Cause
Always be Friendly, Thankful, and Considerate
Art of Communicating / Seems easy but we all know it isn’t /
It’s a Team Effort
Think Outside the Box Rarely is there ONLY one Solu tion
Who is responsible? We all are!
Ask vendors to demonstrate the accessibility features. Get an accessibility statement, which includes upgrades, from vendors in writing before buying. Have a review process for technology to ensure accessibility. Provide faculty with an accessibility checklist. Don’t wait for accommodation requests. Be proactive Beyond Internal IT
Resou rces o "From Where I Sit" Video Series o o Pepnet2 o Access: The Fundamentals o o QuickClasses o o DO-IT: Disabilities, Opportunities, Internetworking & Technology o o Free Technology Tutorials Beaches o m o GCF o
Cindy Camp, Personnel Development Specialist Thank you for Attending!
pepnet 2 receives support from: Pepnet 2 is funded by the Research to Practice Division, Office of Special Education Programs and the US Department of Education via Cooperative Agreement #H326D