Erfurt 2009 York St John University | Implementing a digital repository at York St John University Helen Westmancoat Deputy University Librarian
Erfurt 2009 York St John University | Context Joint Information Systems Committee Background York St John University Collaborating for Creativity Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (C4C) Digital repository project (YSJ DigiRep) Future developments
Erfurt 2009 York St John University | Context Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) Bundesministerium fur Bilding und Forschung (BMBF) Deutsche Initiative fur Netzwerkinformation (DINI) NESTOR – Kompetenznetwerk Langzeitarchivierung (Network of Expertise in Long-Term Storage and Long- Term availability of Digital Resources in Germany) Digital Repository Infrastructure Vision for European Research (DRIVER) Higher Education Funding Council for England Joint Information Systems Committee
Erfurt 2009 York St John University | Context AIR Nottingham Trent Bradford BID Bucks New CIRCLE Coventry University Cambridge Worcester DISC-UK eCrystals Embed SHERPA-LEAP EThOSnet Fedorazon Leeds Metropolitan IncReASe Salford Jazzhub Kings College London KULTUR Lincoln Mathematics Question Bank MR-CUTE NECTAR OARS OJIMS PRIMO POCKET Faroes RAQCE Manchester Metropolitan SNEEP SAFIR SUETr Storage space Bolton Hertfordshire UPLaCe wALTer WRAP Welsh Repository Network
Erfurt 2009 York St John University | Context AIR Nottingham Trent Bradford BID Bucks New CIRCLE Coventry University Cambridge Worcester DISC-UK eCrystals Embed SHERPA-LEAP EThOSnet Fedorazon Leeds Metropolitan IncReASe Salford Jazzhub Kings College London KULTUR Lincoln Mathematics Question Bank MR-CUTE NECTAR OARS OJIMS PRIMO POCKET Faroes RAQCE Manchester Metropolitan SNEEP SAFIR SUETr Storage space Bolton Hertfordshire UPLaCe wALTer WRAP Welsh Repository Network York St John (YSJ DigiRep)
Erfurt 2009 York St John University | Background Small Higher Education institution – located in the centre of York, c students
Erfurt 2009 York St John University | Background Collaborating for Creativity (C4C) Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning
Erfurt 2009 York St John University | Background
Erfurt 2009 York St John University | Background Arts & Health Tanka: Art & Writing Dance & Diversity Public Service Announcement Creativity in Theology c.21 Interpretations of Renaissance Texts Sympathetic Vibration
Erfurt 2009 York St John University | Background Arts & Health Tanka: Art & Writing Dance & Diversity Public Service Announcement Creativity in Theology c.21 Interpretations of Renaissance Texts Sympathetic Vibration Stills Video Text Audio
Erfurt 2009 York St John University | Sample images Plus videos, theses, research papers, exam papers, items from our Victorian Childrens’ books collection and from the recently acquired York Theatre Royal archive, material from Womens’ Voices project Background
Erfurt 2009 York St John University | Project Funding granted September 2007 Implement using existing digital archive module of Library management system Forced to look for alternative software – PTFS Europe ArchivalWare Help from other JISC projects – MIDESS, Repositories Support Project, OpenDOAR, SUETr, SHERPA
Erfurt 2009 York St John University | Project Advocacy – within the institution presentations to faculties, lunchtime sessions, e- learning symposia, posters and papers at internal conferences through information skills sessions with Academic Liaison Librarians External dissemination paper at SirsiDynix user group conference, Southampton paper at JISC programme meeting in Worcester for the DRaW project repository launch on November 18, 2008
Erfurt 2009 York St John University | Project EnquireOnline publication
Erfurt 2009 York St John University | Project
Erfurt 2009 York St John University | Project
Erfurt 2009 York St John University | Project
Erfurt 2009 York St John University | Project Usability 2 small scale usability sessions carried out aim to improve interface Sustainability continuation of repository manager post cataloguing of material and other repository-related tasks server maintenance
Erfurt 2009 York St John University | Future developments York Theatre Royal Archive – York Playbills Project The Camp April in ParisA taste of honey Goldilocks from the Yorkshire Theatres Playbills Project.Yorkshire Theatres Playbills Project
Erfurt 2009 York St John University | Future developments Research material development of research publications database Research Excellence Framework Research Degree Awarding Powers Technical operation automated processes for input of material batch retrieval of records in XML format
Erfurt 2009 York St John University | Future developments Womens’ Voices’ project – awaiting further funding Rees Williams Victorian childrens’ book collection speccoll/victbook.htm
Erfurt 2009 York St John University | Conclusions Establishment of institutional digital repository Experience of working with commercial supplier Project management experience Experience of JISC project useful for future bids Contacts Helen Westmancoat Lauren Shipley All images ©York St John University, available under Creative Commons licence, unless otherwise stated