Delivering New Dimensions on the Web: X3D to the Rescue! Web3D Consortium
Web3D Consortium Web3D Consortium and X3D Overview Anita Havele
Planet 9 Studios Mobile: RayGun & X3D on Android and iPhone David Colleen
Fraunhofer IGD Augmented Reality: Building AR application with an Desktop-, X3DOM- and Mobile-Runtime Johannes Behr
The Art Institutes e-Learning: Virtual World - Virtual Class Teaching Virtual Design within a Virtual World Dr. Steve Guynup
Virginia Tech Medical: n-Dimensional Presentation States With X3D Dr. Nicholas Polys
Bitmanagement Geospatial/CAD: X3D enables CAD, GIS and Games applications worldwide Peter Schickel
University of Lyon, LIRIS CNRS Scientific Visualization: X3D for remote COLLAborative VIsualiZation – COLLAVIZ Guillaume Lavoue
Naval Postgraduate School X3D to the Rescue: A report card X3D adoption, progress and prospects. Dr. Don Brutzman
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