#1 Collaborative Development in Health Sciences African Health OER Network Case Study Ted Hanss University of Michigan University of Cape Town Faculty of Health Sciences 27 July 2012 Copyright 2012 The University of Michigan. Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License. To view a copy of this license, visit.
#2 Agenda Motivation: Health Challenges Response: African Health OER Network – What is OER and what are its benefits? – History of the Network – Impact of the Network OER Examples
#3 Motivation: Health Challenges
#4 Health Challenges The inadequate density and distribution of healthcare providers negatively affects health outcomes around the globe. This is especially true in Sub-Saharan Africa.
#5 Source: World Health Organization. Working Together for Health: The World Health Report WHO Publications: Geneva
#6 Source: World Health Organization. Working Together for Health: The World Health Report WHO Publications: Geneva
#7 Millennium Development Goals Reduce child mortality –Drop the under-five rate by two thirds Improve maternal health –Reduce maternal mortality by three quarters Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases –Halt and begin to reverse the spread of HIV/AIDS and the incidence of the others
#8 Human Resources for Health Any long-term solution to the global health crisis requires investment in human resources. Only well-trained health providers can ensure: –Achievement of the UN’s Millennium Development Goals, –Implementation of global vaccination and medication distribution, and –Preparation for the next epidemic
#9 Education Challenges Low budgets, small workforce, high disease burden Scarce, aging, and emigrating teaching staff Insufficient classroom spaces Image CC:BY-NC University of Ghana Crowded clinical settings
#10 When you look in textbooks it’s difficult to find African cases. The cases may be pretty similar but sometimes it can be confusing when you see something that you see on white skin so nicely and very easy to pick up, but on the dark skin it has a different manifestation that may be difficult to see. -Richard Phillips, lecturer, Department of Internal Medicine, KNUST (Ghana) Image CC:BY-NC-SA Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology
#11 Response: African Health OER Network
#12 Educational materials and resources offered via a license allowing anyone to use, adapt, and re-distribute. Free access to online articles, data, knowledge and information for the public good. Open Access
#13 Benefits of OER to the University Share expertise and curricula with other institutions Recruit students Decrease duplication, increase efficiency Increase university’s reputation globally
#14 Benefits of OER to the Faculty Recognition for their teaching Publish and promote their resources Connect with other collaborators Extend their reach and visibility
#15 U of Ghana Faculty Perspective vBpA
#16 The mission of the African Health Open Educational Resources (OER) Network is to advance health education in Africa by creating and promoting free, openly licensed teaching materials created by Africans to share knowledge, address curriculum gaps, and support health education communities.
#17 Why OER? Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) (Ghana) Peter Donkor Pro Vice Chancellor, former Provost of the College of Health Sciences atch?v=AR31aCaj60Q (90 seconds)
#18 Why OER?
#19 Adapt and Create New Materials Provide tools and guides for educators and students to design, license, and share learning materials Gather Existing Materials Assist health professionals in finding materials that are free, electronic, and openly licensed (i.e. expressly allow the general public to use, adapt, copy, and redistribute) Publicly Distribute Materials Promote the materials worldwide through multiple online and offline methods Facilitate Discussion Foster dialogue between health professionals around pedagogy, policy, peer review, and openness via onsite consultation, discussion lists, conference calls, and newsletters Approach
#20 History of the Network 2008 Workshop – Health OER in Africa, 27 participants, 12 organizations 2008 Health OER Project – 6 institutions in US, Ghana, South Africa over 40 faculty and staff representing 11 health science African institutions meet to envision an African Health OER Network
# U-M President Mary Sue Coleman leads delegation to Ghana and South Africa (February and March) Hewlett Foundation awards planning grant with additional support from Soros and FAIMER (March) –Health OER workshop in Ghana (May) –dScribe development and materials piloting at U-M –Grant writing trip in Africa (July) Institute of Medicine meeting (September) Hewlett awards “ Design Phase ” grant (Nov)
# “ Health OER Design Phase ” partnership of U-M, OER Africa, University of Ghana and Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (Ghana), and University of Cape Town and University of the Western Cape (South Africa)
# Design Phase Logic Model Institutional Policy Engagement (including logic model compilation) Published and implemented OER learning materials Reduced policy barriers to OER development and use Health OER Publishing Projects Community of Practice website at Impact Analysis Enhanced dScribe workflow U-M financial support INPUTACTIVITIESOUTPUTOUTCOMES Hewlett Foundation support Institutional leadership Faculty members, students OER Africa expertise Existing learning materials dScribe workflow and OER tool Detailed policy strategies to facilitate OER activities Framework for studying faculty productivity and effect on learning outcomes Analysis and feedback on inter- institutional collaboration capacity Community of trained health OER developers and implementers Visible and used portfolio of OER health education learning materials Visible and accessible engagement process in health OER Understanding of the contribution OER makes to faculty productivity and student learning outcomes Understood and implemented best practices for inter-institutional collaboration in OER development and use Evidence-based, long-term logic model for Health OER OER Africa web site Model for building institutional capacity through OER development and deployment
# Design Phase Tasks Hold policy/sensitization and content development workshops Identify curricular needs Publish materials (emphasis on co-creation of OERs that work in respective local contexts) Undertake impact analysis –Assess capacity to collaborate –Design framework for assessing OER use and effect on learning outcomes and faculty productivity
#25 Cape Town Workshop (2009)
# Awarded 2 Year Follow-on Grant
#27 Accomplishments 160 individuals trained Student publishing assistants 12 institutions have contributed –135 learning modules, including 339 separate materials –144 videos Over 1 million YouTube views Access from nearly every country around the world Policy workshops and subsequent implementation of OER-enabling policies OER Africa Convening, Photo by: Saide.
#28 Visualization of greatest word frequency in YouTube comments – from wordle.net
#29 Platforms and Distribution Power outages are common. Bandwidth is very expensive. OER is distributed offline and online by authoring institutions and the two Network co-facilitators, OER Africa and U-M. Learn more: (12 minutes)
#32 Impact - Alumni University of Ghana ybPf6o (1:30 min) University of Ghana. Photo by: The Regents of the University of Michigan.
#33 Impact Participants are interested in connecting with colleagues at other institutions for the purpose of sharing knowledge. Several institutions have used or adapted OER from elsewhere. Several institutions have successfully integrated students into the design process for OER, freeing up faculty time for other activities.
#34 OER Examples
#35 Midwifery students in Malawi at Kamuzu College of Nursing show off OER course materials on CD-ROM
#36 Image CC:BY-NC-SA Saide and University of Botswana
#42 Challenges and Lessons Learned Intellectual property and faculty reward Technology standards and interoperability Building partnerships and sustainability Best Practices: –Institutional level planning –Building collaborations with other institutions –Planning the big picture –Deployment –Assessment –Sustainability
#43 Summary OER is seen as a means to streamlining health education, not an end in itself. “Share your ideas” by britbohlingerShare your ideas
#44 Questions/Discussion
#45 Ted Hanss Chief Information Officer University of Michigan Medical School More information: open.umich.edu Acknowledgement: This project is supported by the Hewlett Foundation