Aid Monitoring: International Experiences Romilly Greenhill Workshop for Elective Members on Supervising Aid Hanoi, October 2007
Outline of presentation International initiatives National level Parliamentary Scrutiny National level civil society scrutiny Government efforts Conclusions and lessons learn
International Experiences International Parliamentarians Petition (IPP) ‘We call on the [World Bank and IMF] and their principal shareholders to ensure that democratically elected representatives of recipient nations be the final arbiters of all economic policies. It is vital that National Parliaments in recipient nations have the right and obligation to be fully involved in the development and scrutiny of all measures associated with World Bank and IMF activities within their borders, and hold final power of ratification’ Signed by 800 legislators across the world Presented to World Bank and IMF officials in Washington DC
National Level Parliamentary Scrutiny Malawi Parliamentary Committee on the IFIs (MAPCOI) Formed in 2004 Worked with 60 MPs to sign the International Parliamentarians Petition Represented international parliamentarians at the World Bank and IMF Meetings in Washington Encouraging greater parliamentary scrutiny of World Bank and IMF programmes
National Level Civil Society Monitoring Ghana NGO Growth and Poverty Forum developed a statement on donor performance which was presented at the Consultative Group (CG) meeting Data analysis on donor performance in Ghana, particularly in relation to international aid effectiveness targets Review and Reflection meetings on Aid
Government scrutiny efforts Cambodia Aid Effectiveness Report Used empirical analysis to assess the performance of each donor against their aid targets Identified common problems with aid and made recommendations for improving donor performance Reducing fragmentation of aid Reforming Technical Assistance (TA) Influential in pushing donors to improve aid
Key lessons Citizens and their elected representatives are increasingly taking action to scrutinise aid and hold donors accountable Impacts are starting to be felt Awareness raising and capacity building is key Vietnam could contribute experiences and expertise for sharing in other countries