- Sponsored by UK MOD ISO 10303-239 edition 2 Rob Bodington, Phil Spiby.


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Presentation transcript:

- Sponsored by UK MOD ISO edition 2 Rob Bodington, Phil Spiby

Slide 2 - Sponsored by UK MOD Agenda » Inform about project » Milestones » Summarize changes to ISO

Slide 3 - Sponsored by UK MOD Project » Objective −Deliver update edition of ISO » ready for taking forward to ballot by 31 st March » Motivation −UK MoD desire to contribute to AP239 as an up-to-date ISO standard −Incorporate required changes identified from PLCS deployments −Ensure compatibility with ISO AP233, AP203e2 −Include additional AP203/233 modules within the original scope » Resources −Eurostep project and technical lead » Contact Rob Bodington −Funded by UK MoD

Slide 4 - Sponsored by UK MOD Application Protocol (AP) Architecture » ISO is a modular Application Protocol (AP) » Comprises of a number of modules » A module is a “building block” » Each module is a standard in its own right » Each module may be used by multiple Aps » STEP has a two level architecture −ARM – Application Reference Model » Business (?) level model −MIM – Module Interpreted Model » Traditionally Implementation level model −ARM maps to the MIM » All PLCS implementations are at the ARM level

Slide 5 - Sponsored by UK MOD Types of change » PLCS/SC4 (SEDS) modifications to PLCS modules −Deployment of the standard has identified issues to be addressed −Raised as SEDS against the standard » Only SEDS will be considered (all DEXlib issues migrated) −Mainly SELECT extensions −Allow additional assignments −Modules used by AP239 modified by AP239 » New modules created for AP239 −Some new PLCS modules will be required to address the issues −Aim to avoid scope creep! » Modules used by AP239 modified by other APs −Development of AP203e2/AP233/AP236/AP210 has led to some changes to PLCS modules −New editions of “PLCS” modules have been published » Use of Ap203e2/233 modules by PLCS −Ap203e2/233 have developed a number of new modules

Slide 6 - Sponsored by UK MOD Approach to changes » All AP239 implementations are at the ARM level −Focussing on ARM changes −Which we will map to the MIM » Ensure backward compatibility with AP239 −Where possible ….. there will be some changes » There may be an impact on PLCS templates −E.g. description −Fix these as we go » The project is managed by OASIS PLCS TOG » Consensus via OASIS PLCS TC and SC4

Slide 7 - Sponsored by UK MOD Milestones » SC4 modifications to AP239 modules understood (30 th Jan) −Agreed / changed » Scope of AP239e2 agreed (30 th Jan) −new AP239 modules identified −203/233 modules to include agreed » AP239 modules SEDS modules addressed (28 th Feb) » SC4 SEDS resolution meeting th March, Keynsham, Bath » New AP239 modules developed (20 th March) » AP239e2 + modules ready for SC4 process (31 st March) −New HTML for AP239e2 delivered as “draft” ready for submission to the ballot process » Target dates for the following ISO stages − Availability of working draft − Launch of CD or TS ballot − DIS registered at ISO (not required for TS) − FDIS ballot registered for formal approval/ Document submitted to ISO for publication cycle − Final document sent to ISO for publication after FDIS ballot, or review of ISO proof by team

Slide 8 - Sponsored by UK MOD Types of changes » SELECT extensions » Modules used by AP239 modified by AP239 » New modules created for AP239ed2 » Modules used by AP239 modified by other APs » Modules added to AP239ed2 from AP233/AP203e2

Slide 9 - Sponsored by UK MOD Modules used by AP239 modified by AP239 » SELECT Extensions −ap239_product_life_cycle_support (439)  main changes here −ap239_document_management 1297) − ap239_management_resource_information (1289) − ap239_part_definition_information (1293) − ap239_product_definition_information (1292) » Observation (1258 ) −Make contents explicit » Message (1270) −Make contents explicit » Resource item −Allow direct identification of resource −required_resource (1267) −required_resource_characterized −resource_item (1268) −resource_management (1266) −resource_as_realized −resource_as_realized_characterized » Removal of product category −part_and_version_identification (1022) −part_view_definition −product_categorization (1016) −product_identification (1017) −product_view_definition (1019) » Removal of alias identification » Document properties −document_assignment (1122) −document_definition (1123) −document_properties (1126) » Contract relationship −Contract » Approval attribute order −Attribute » Justification addition of assumption » Requirement identification and version

Slide 10 - Sponsored by UK MOD New modules created for AP239ed2 » Configuration management −Information collection » Explicit baseline −Conditional effectivity » Explicit use of condition for effectivity » Environment −Environment definition −Environment observed −Product environment definition −Product environment observed

Slide 11 - Sponsored by UK MOD Modules used by AP239 modified by other APs » Assembly structure −Changed supertype » State −Same content – split modules −Will require minor modifications to ap239_* modules » Task −Changed by A233 −extended_task_element −Will require minor modifications to ap239_* modules » Geometry −contextual_shape_positioning −elemental_geometric_shape −shape_property_assignment

Slide 12 - Sponsored by UK MOD Modules added to AP239 from AP233/AP203e2 » Description −Description assignment » Analysis −analysis_assignment −analysis_characterized −analysis_identification −analysis_representation −external_analysis_representation » Validation & Verification −verification_and_validation −decision_support » System −system_identification_and_version −system_view_definition » Risk −risk −risk_management

Slide 13 - Sponsored by UK MOD Practicalities » Issues raised as SEDS − » Issues resolution managed by bugzilla − » Changes being made to stepmod on Sourceforge −Once EXPRESS long form is stable it will be copied to DEXlib −See: » exploder notified by bugzilla −Contact if you want to be