A point is represented by a dot and labeled with a capital letter. The three building blocks of geometry are the point, the line and the plane. A small seed could also represent a point. A point has no size.
A line is a straight, continuous arrangement of infinitely many points. It extends forever in two directions. You name a line by given the letter names of any two points on the line and placing the line symbol above the letters. This is a model of A piece of spaghetti is a physical model of a line.
A plane has length and width, but no thickness. It is like a flat surface that extends infinitely along its length and width. A mathematical model of a plane A rolled out piece of dough could represent a plane.
S TART A N OTEBOOK OF D EFINITIONS Include: The word you are defining A labeled picture of the word you are defining Your definition based on the observations you have made from the examples in the textbook
Collinear means on the same line. Coplanar means on the same plane.
Ball A is in the pocket of the man. Ball C is on the women’s racket. Name three balls that are collinear. Name three balls that are coplanar but not collinear. Name four balls that are not coplanar.
A line segment consists of two points called the endpoints of the segment and all the points between the them that are collinear with the two points.
Two segments are congruent if they are of the same length or measure.
A midpoint of a segment is the point on the segment that is the same distance from both endpoints. The midpoint bisects the segment, or divides the segment into two congruent segments.
Name each midpoint and the segment it bisects. Name all the congruent segments. Use the congruence symbols to write your answers.
Ray AB is the part of that contains point A and to the one side of point A.
Ray AB is different from Ray BA
M ATHEMATICAL M ODELS Look around your classroom and identify examples of each of these terms: point, line, plane, line segment, congruent segments, midpoint of a segment, and ray. Identify examples of these terms in the photograph.
Identify examples of these terms in the figure at the right. Explain in your own words what each of these terms means.