GMS Demographics
GMS Economically Disadvantaged 65%
A majority of what we do in the class room has been picked up through our years of attending workshops, conferences, and internet searches. We have modified to fit the needs of our teachers and school. We thank all of you who contributed by allowing us to take and extend your ideas.
GMS 2012 STAAR Average Raw Scores Gladewater Average Raw Score State Average Raw Score* 6 th 32/5231/52 7 th 31/5430/54 8 th 36/5631/56 *
GMS Passing Progression
Closing the Achievement Gap
Allow for a fun and creative extension of a topic Consistent among grade levels The amount of time given in class to work on the project depends on the time of year Some are individual and some are group
6 th grade –Fun House: Measurement –Creating a Town: Geometry –Monster Math: Fractions –Mosaic: Fractions, Decimals, Percents –Spongebob Character: Polygons –Survey: Data & graphs; Equivalencies –Mathematician: Internet Research –Cartoon: Teach concept –BizWorld: Business & Finance
6 th grade –Fun House: Measurement
6 th grade –Creating a Town: Geometry
6 th grade –Monster Math: Fractions
6 th grade –Mosaic: Fractions, Decimals, Percents
6 th grade –Spongebob Character: Polygons
6 th grade –Survey: Data & graphs
6 th grade –Mathematician: Internet Research
6 th grade –Cartoon: Teach concept
7 th grade –Sing-a-long: teaches any math concept –Recreation Center: Geometry & Measurement –Zoo Coordinator: Internet Research, Budget, tables –From the Ground up: Budget, architecture –Dream Car: Interest, Compare, Research –Survey: Probability, Statistics, Percent, Graphs
7 th grade –Recreation Center: Geometry & Measurement
7 th grade –Zoo Coordinator: Internet Research, Budget, tables
7 th grade –From the Ground up: Budget, architecture
7 th grade –Dream Car: Interest, Compare, Research
8 th grade: During Class –Shopping Spree: Tax & Discount; Internet Research; –Vacation: Tax & Discount; Internet Research –Easter Egg: Probability, Statistics, Percent, Graphs –Survey: Probability, Statistics, Percent, Graphs –Teach: Create power points and teach concepts: Pythagorean Theorem, Surface Area, Volume –Digital Project Menu: Choice boards where students decide what activity they will do –CSI Math: problem solving; attention to detail –QR Codes: enhance any project –Fantasy Football: equivalencies, stats, technology –BizMovie: Business, Finance & Technology
8 th grade: During Class –Shopping Spree: Tax & Discount; Internet Research; Done in class and out (1 st 6 weeks Project)
8 th grade: During Class –Vacation: Tax & Discount; Internet Research
8 th grade: During Class –Easter Egg: Probability, Statistics, Percent, Graphs
8 th grade: During Class –Survey: Probability, Statistics, Percent, Graphs
8 th grade: During Class –Teach: Create power points and teach concepts: Pythagorean Theorem, Surface Area, Volume
8 th grade: During Class –Digital Project Menu: Choice boards where students decide what activity they will do
8 th grade: During Class –CSI Math
8 th grade: During Class –QR Codes: enhance any project
8 th grade: During Class –Fantasy Football: Equivalencies, Stats, Technology
8 th grade: Outside of Class (6 weeks Projects) –Sing-a-long: teaches any math concept –Amazing Math Race: obstacle course of objectives –Commercial: Volume & surface area of 3d figure –Carnival Game: equations, profit, and expenses
Algebra –Graph Story Book: Interpret changing slopes –Interpreting Graphs Business Plan: Equations, tables graphs, discrete and continuous data –Algebra Exploration Project: Paper and powerpoint over any 4 topics taught this year; Present at Open house to parents (if time allows)
Impacting our Future Business Leaders
Objectives 1.To create relevance in the classroom 2. To improve financial literacy 3. To encourage achievement “I enjoyed how BizWorld engaged all students and allowed for the multiple intelligences in the classroom. The program is well organized and gave structure to the class. I saw only positive things come out of BizWorld! My students are now eager to open up their own businesses.” -Teacher, 4 th grade
Curriculum Start Up –Apply for Jobs –Incorporate –Design your product –Build a prototype Production –Decide on the manufacturing process –Manufacture your product –Packaging and pricing
Curriculum Sales and Marketing –Market your product, create a campaign –Sell your product (sales bazaar) Finance –Finance and Company Valuation Balance Sheet Income Statement Cash Flow
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We would like to give a special thanks to all of you for being here to enhance the learning of your students. With your help, the possibilities for our students are endless.