Olary Creek Township Mine site Main tailings Repository “TSF” 0.5 km Radium Hill Aerial Photograph N
Main tailings repository & tailings dispersal 0.2 km Aerial Photograph Mine Site Waste rock dumps Projected line of lode & underground workings Crushed waste dumps Former workshops & processing plant N
Remnants of shaft headframe and ore bins
High grade U ore samples from dump material (dark minerals and yellow coatings) Exposure in prospecting pit of U- mineralised rock
Waste rock dump
Crushed rock dumps Note: pepper tree (introduced) and various saltbush species that have taken up U on contaminated areas
Crushed rock Used for manufacture of concrete: buildings and other structures Road base and road surfacing, work area surfacing Bunding for some tailings dams Railway ballast Typically contains >250 ppm U
Effects of dispersion of crushed rock, resulting in large anthropogenic U radiometric anomaly
Crushed rock use in Radium Hill townsite Road surfacing Major concrete constructions
Tailings storage facility Main TSF is about 250 x 150 x 6 m, capped with 1 m soil and subject to rill erosion. It is not a stable landform.
Rill erosion of main TSF to expose mill tailings with >300 ppm U
Gully erosion of small TSF
Dispersal of fine tailings by wind and water erosion (physical, not chemical dispersion) Dunes of wind-dispersed tailings developed prior to capping of main TSF
Contaminated Topsoils – Radium Hill Tailings dam Wind dispersion, particularly to the SE
Soil contamination by windborne tailings, SE of main TSF
Soil chemistry affected by addition of wind- borne tailings