MDE Update or What’s going on out there? Barb Fardell, Educational Technology Manager
2 GRANTS Michigan Schools Online Supporting MMC Curriculum and online learning requirement –Curriculum HippoCampus Epic Learning –Professional Development –LMS
3 GRANTS Cont. Career Forward Implementation –Supports MI Online Learning Requirement –Career Exploration Tool –$1,000 per school
4 NCLB 8 th Grade Tech Literacy Assessment –Oakland ISD Lead –Meets MI Online Learning Requirement –Career Exploration –Teaches Tech Literacy Skills via Project Based Instruction and Assessment Grants Cont.
5 Michigan Educator Resources (MER) –Database of resources Wayne State Univ./Library of MI/MDE –Curriculum resources aligned to GLCES and HSCES Where is it? MeL.OrgMeL.Org Looking for contributors and aligners MDE Projects
6 MDE Projects Cont. MI Streamnet –Supported by REMC Association and MDE –Best Practices Videos –MDE Training –Board Meetings
7 MDE Projects Cont. iTunesU –Managed by MACUL –Will provide primarily student content –Can download on any MP3 player or computer –MACUL will be “shopping” for resources to be placed on iTunesU
8 MDE Projects Cont. Seat time Waiver –Seeking schools willing to think outside the classroom! –Can waive up to 25% of students to be totally virtual –Remainder of students need only take 1 course on site –Apply to Mike Flanagan and cc: to Mary Alice Galloway and Barb Fardell
9 Pilots PowerGlide – World language curriculum –2 to 3 Elementary Schools –Free to participating schools –4 to 6 week pilot
10 QUESTIONS? That’s it! for now………