INTRODUCTIONS About the Teacher Soohee Lee B.S. in Biological Sciences, UCI UCI Dept. of Ed. Credentialed in Biological Science, General Science, Chemistry Teaching for 16 years
Life Science About 7 th Grade Life Science
What Skills Will the Students Learn? Critical thinking Problem solving Laboratory investigations through inquiry Team work Communication Skills
My ROLE is to ensure ALL students learn and grow. I believe, when given the guidance and opportunity, ALL students CAN & WILL succeed. Growth Mind Set Philosophy CLASSROOM ATMOSPHERE MUTUAL RESPECT Hands-on, Inquiry Based HIGH EXPECTATIONS Believe in YOURSELF! Excellence & Effort Actively participate in all activities Cooperate & learn as a TEAM Develop STRONG work habits Prepared and organized
1. Check Haiku for assignments and student work submissions. 2. Check grades online regularly. 3. Talk about science – ask them what they learned? 4. Encourage ownership of their education/future. Encourage self advocacy. Praise them for their effort and hard work rather than grades 4 Ways to Help Your Child Be Successful
Public (no log-in required) /mrs.leeswebsite /mrs.leeswebsite Daily Agenda Homework Haiku (Class Website)
Student/Private (log-in required) ence15-16 Daily Agenda Homework All course documents, assignments, powerpoints, videos, projects, helpful weblinks, practice quizzes, etc. Submission of Homework/Projects To find/make-up absent work Haiku (Class Website)
Check Student Work in Google Drive Folder for Science Check Grades Regularly
How Will the Students be Graded? 5% Participation Actively engaging in all classroom discussions, activities, labs, assignments Working collaboratively and cooperatively with others, encouraging a safe learning environment Daily attendance, coming to class prepared and on time (iPads charged)
How Will the Students be Graded? 40% Tests and Quizzes Unit exams at the end of each unit Announced and pop quizzes periodically within a unit 40% Assignments All classwork, homework, labs, journals, activities and group work
How Will the Students be Graded? 15% Projects Science fair project, other research-based projects such as a mini cell research project, a mini geologic time scale project, digital genetics project, etc.
Test scores below 70% are eligible for retesting. Come in for tutoring(before/after school; nutrition; lunch) and to correct the original test. Take the retest, within a week of receiving the original test grade Student will receive the higher of the two scores with a maximum score of 70%. Retesting Policy
STAYING CONNECTED Haiku Daily Agenda, Homework, Classwork, Powerpoints, Notes, Handouts, Helpful Links and Resources, Practice Quizzes Google Drive To see student work Aeries Grades (best way) Phone : x 78532
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SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 2015 Our school will earn $6 for EVERY ONLINE registration. When registering, please select "Orchard Hills"! Or scan the QR code to register now! Sign-up TONIGHT in room and receive a free yogurt from Yogurtland! 6:45-7:30pm