Alain L. Kornhauser, PhD Professor, Operations Research & Financial Engineering Director, Program in Transportation Faculty Advisor, Princeton Autonomous Vehicle Engineering (PAVE) Founder, ALK Technologies, Inc. Chairman, Advanced TRansit Association (ATRA) and Vice Chairman, New Jersey Commission on Science and Technology (inactive) Historic Preservation of the Dinky in both Function and Form Historic Preservation of the Dinky in both Function and Form
Purpose of Historical Preservation Preserve the Function and Form of Historically Important elements of the Built Environment. Dinky: – Functioning since 1865 – Current Form since about 1915 – Station moved in about 1986 to current location
Purpose of Historical Preservation Preserve the Function and Form of Historically Important elements of the Built Environment. Dinky: – Functioning since 1865
Function Endangered? Only if Moved Away from “Nassau Street”
Princeton – Princeton Jct. (2.7 Miles) Location !, Location !, Location! 12,000 Residents (Boro) 10,000 Students (PU, Seminary, Rider) 30,000 Jobs (Boro + Twnshp; Census) 12,000 Residents (Boro) 10,000 Students (PU, Seminary, Rider) 30,000 Jobs (Boro + Twnshp; Census) Access to the World
Station Moved Twice
50% Walk & Ride ~500 patrons/day 50% Walk & Ride ~500 patrons/day 43/150 Solid Top 30%
Grade Crossings Faculty Road, Princeton Junction
Pre-1985 to Present Terminus ~185 feet Pre-1985 to Present Terminus ~185 feet
Princeton – Princeton Jct. (2.7 Miles) Location !, Location !, Location! 12,000 Residents (Boro) 10,000 Students (PU, Seminary, Rider) 30,000 Jobs (Boro + Twnshp; Census) 12,000 Residents (Boro) 10,000 Students (PU, Seminary, Rider) 30,000 Jobs (Boro + Twnshp; Census)
Area around the Dinky Station Dinky Station Parking Garage Faculty Road Alexander Road Arts District
The Conflict February 16, 2010 This would be the 3 rd time the station has moved towards The junction. Definitions
It then 2 st moved 170 feet to create better E-W mobility for Forbes Student from: the end of the platform, to: the Freight Building The Conflict Arises from the current 3 rd attempt at a Dinky Land Grab Land Grab The Conflict Arises from the current 3 rd attempt at a Dinky Land Grab Land Grab
Walk&Ride Accessibility Lost by Moving the Dinky Terminus South Walk&Ride Accessibility Lost by Moving the Dinky Terminus South Assumptions: 1. All walk in a straight line to the station 2.All Walk&Ride trips production/attraction are uniformly distributed in the half plane north of the current terminus. 3. Walk&Ride Area Lost =~ R*D*(2*cos sin ) where R = prime walk distance D = Distance Terminus moved (460 ft) = sin -1 (D/R) Assumptions: 1. All walk in a straight line to the station 2.All Walk&Ride trips production/attraction are uniformly distributed in the half plane north of the current terminus. 3. Walk&Ride Area Lost =~ R*D*(2*cos sin ) where R = prime walk distance D = Distance Terminus moved (460 ft) = sin -1 (D/R)
¼ Walk&Ride Service Areas 49% Prime Walk&Ride Area Lost ¼ Walk&Ride Service Areas 49% Prime Walk&Ride Area Lost Nothing is gained to the south to off- set the losses to the north Nothing is gained to the south to off- set the losses to the north ¼ Mile Walk&Ride Accessibility Analysis ¼ Mile Walk&Ride Accessibility Analysis
1/2 Walk&Ride Service Areas 24% Prime Walk&Ride Area Lost 1/2 Walk&Ride Service Areas 24% Prime Walk&Ride Area Lost Nothing is gained to the south to off- set the losses to the north Nothing is gained to the south to off- set the losses to the north 1/2 Mile Walk&Ride Accessibility Analysis 1/2 Mile Walk&Ride Accessibility Analysis
Conclusions: Walk&Ride Accessibility Analysis Conclusions: Walk&Ride Accessibility Analysis 49% loss of ¼ mile prime walking area implies loss of Walk&Riders could be as high as 49% and a 25% loss of Dinky ridership. 24% loss of ½ mile walking area implies at least a 24% loss of Walk&Riders and at least a 13% loss of Dinky ridership 49% loss of ¼ mile prime walking area implies loss of Walk&Riders could be as high as 49% and a 25% loss of Dinky ridership. 24% loss of ½ mile walking area implies at least a 24% loss of Walk&Riders and at least a 13% loss of Dinky ridership
Alexander & University Place
Flow Alexander & University Pl.
Minimal Conflicts; Readily Accommodates Pedestrians Minimal Conflicts; Readily Accommodates Pedestrians
50% Walk & Ride ~500 patrons/day 50% Walk & Ride ~500 patrons/day 43/150 Solid Top 30%
Preferred Dinky Terminus
Kiss& Ride FreeB, taxi ~ ~7 On-street: ~100 Small lot: ~62 Commute Lot : ~150 Total: ~340 Yield: ~375 Boarders/day; ~680 McCarter Patrons On-street: ~100 Small lot: ~62 Commute Lot : ~150 Total: ~340 Yield: ~375 Boarders/day; ~680 McCarter Patrons 62 Baker surface lot 62 Baker surface lot ~150 (Commuter Lot) ~150 (Commuter Lot) 178 (Each Floor of Lot 7) 178 (Each Floor of Lot 7) Existing Dinky Parking Dinky / McCarter Parking
Area around the Dinky Station Dinky Station Parking Garage Faculty Road Alexander Road Arts District
The Conflict February 16, 2010 This would be the 3 rd time the station has moved towards The junction. Definitions
The Dinky