Welcome! Mrs. Aleman & Mrs. Shaw 3 rd Grade
Communication Phone: (864) Class web site – Or google “Katie Aleman River Ridge” and it is the first result. Progress Reports – will come home approximately every 2 weeks on Monday.
Communication Remind 101 – For Mrs. Aleman - to For Mrs. Shaw – rd 408 to Class Dojo - Behavior Management System Edmodo – Mrs. Aleman - Way to communicate outside of school Group Code - 6t2szs (Use this to sign up)
Classroom Schedule 7:30-7:45 Unpack & Lunch 7:45-8:00 Early Morning 8:00-8:40 Related Arts 8:45 Switch Classes 8:45-10:45 Aleman’s Class – Reading/SS Shaw’s Class – Math/Science 10:45 Switch 10:55-11:10 Recess 11:20-11:45 Lunch 11:50-2:10 Aleman’s Class – Math/Science Shaw’s Class – Reading/SS 2:10-2:20 Pack up and Dismissal This is what a typical day in our classroom looks like.
Related Arts Reminders PE – Always wear tennis shoes on these days. Library – Remember to return books Other: Ice Cream on Fridays – cost $0.50
Assessments Spelling Quiz will be every Friday, if we don’t have school on Friday the quiz will be that Thursday. On Monday I give a pre-test. Reading Comprehension will be each week. Students will be given a passage to read and questions to answer based on the passage. Multiplication is something that should be practiced everyday. We have weekly quizzes based on what facts we are focusing on that week. Students will have 8 minutes. Morning Work assessment will be given every Friday. Questions on this assessment will be exactly like the daily morning work. All science and social studies assessments will be given with a study guide and plenty of notice. We will always inform students and parents about major assessments prior to giving them.
Grading Scale A B C D 69 & below F The lowest grade given will be a 60 Students will have to work hard for the other 40 points! Exception: Timed Math Tests
River Ridge Rules Rules Follow your leader’s directions Keep your hands and feet to yourself Walk quietly in the halls Consequences Warning Reflection Modified recess Parent contact
Behavior Incentives Cheer Cart- Given by the school and is based on how many modified recesses the student has had. Game Day- The last Friday of the month. Students may bring games from home if they wish.
Field Trips Ideas Jones Gap – September Walnut Grove - October Cowpens - November Freedom Train – February State Museum - April More information about field trips will be given as they get closer. We try to send home letters one month in advance.
Electronics Students are allowed to bring electronics to school if they wish. Our only rule is for students to not play games during instructional time. Educational apps and books are perfectly fine for students to engage in. Students can lose the privilege if they are using electronics inappropriately. Homework Every morning students write down their homework in their agenda. We don’t usually grade homework. Students who do not complete their homework may be asked to complete it at the start of the recess time.
Grade Weights ELA 40% Reading 40% Writing 20% Spelling Math, Science, & Social Studies 40% Test/Projects 30% quizzes 20% classwork 10% homework
Science and SC History Most of the grade will come from unit tests. Students will be responsible for note taking and a classwork grade will come from that. Throughout the year we will also do at-home projects on some of the units that we cover. You will be given a minimum of 2 weeks notice for these projects.