Flying start (n) [sing ] very good beginning Ex : In many countries, having a university degree can give you a flying start in life.
Diplomatic (n) A minister, official agent, or envoy to a foreign court
Elite (n) group of powerful important people in society Ex: Most countries have their elite institutions.
university departmentFaculty (n) university department Crucial (adj) decisive importance crucially (adv) Indicate (v) show sth by pointing, be a sign of sth Indication (n) Indicative (adj) Indicator (n) sth that gives infomation
Prospective (adj) wanting or likely to be or do sth Prospect (n) Ex: In Britain, most prospective students apply to the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service.
Intellect (n) power of the mind to reason Intellectual (adj) Intellectually (adv) Dean Norman was a very smart, intellectual person.
Spokesperson (n) person speaking as the representative of a group
Diploma (n) official paper showing that a student has passed an examination
Significant (adj) important, having a special meaning significance (n) Relevant (adj) connected with what is being discussed relevance (n) relevantly (adv)
Inevitable (adj) cannot avoid,prevent Inevitability (n) Inevitably (adv) Overall (n, adj, adv) include everything Ex: overall grade
Dissertation (n) long piece of writing a student has to do when graduating