1) About Russia (4 min) 2) Russian speaking market of social gaming industry - The growth of the Russian market (8 min) - Social networks in Russia and the CIS (8min) 3) Features of the Russian social gaming market (4 min) 4) Benefits of the Russian social gaming market (4 min) 5) Launch difficulties to the Russian market (4 min) 6) The process of publishing games in Russia and CIS (10 min) 7) Conclusion (3 min) 8) Questions (15 min)
About Russia Russia is located so that part of it is in Europe and part is in Asia. Russia is so large country that has 11 time zones. In 2014 Winter Olympics (Sochi) will be held in Russia. At the moment, Russia is rapidly growing in the field of information technology. Russian programmers are traditionally considered to be one of the strongest in the world. There are a lot of companies producing games and applications that take up a strong position in the global market of social media.
“Runet” Russian part of the Internet, these are the Russian- speaking and Russian- oriented sites.
At the moment, Russian game industry is actively developing, and the segment of social gaming is one of the fastest growing. Number of social network users: 180 million Games are still the most profitable segment of the Internet business in Russia. According to forecasts the market size of gaming sector will reach 1 billion USD in 2013.
Trends in the market of social games in Russia, Appearance of new non-standard projects; - Growing popularity of session games, where users play in a short time-slot of the party; - New cross-platform products; - Reduce the amount of piracy; - The main trend in 2012 is the increase in the number of new players who have not played in online games at all.
"Migration" of browser games to social networks; Increase of games that are distributed by Free-to-Play model; Entry of Russian developers’ games to foreign markets and vice versa.
The growth is due to the fact that: 1) Public Internet has given a new influx of players; 2) The age of the players is getting "older." For example, game "Shaman" or “Candy", with 40% of the players are over 50 years old; 3) There is a large percentage of people are on the Internet in Russia – cold weather!
Reply Forecast Yes, I almost pay every time I play; 5%8%11% Yes, but not more than several times a week; 5%12%15% Yes, but not very often, not more than several times a month; 14% 17% Yes I paid, but just several times; 39%35%29% No, I never paid. 37%31%28%
Market development of games in Russia in 2013 The spread of high-speed Internet; The development of payment systems, increasing popularity of transactions with electronic money; Investments in the development of games.
Russian local social networks Odnoklassniki. Ru, VK. Com dominate Close social connections between the citizens of the CIS and Russia, as well as the popularity of the Russian language in these countries. Russian-speaking users of social networks are also people from Germany and Israel
Features - The interface is similar to FB, but according to many experts, it is even easier and better in use; - Resource initially positioned itself as a social network of students and graduates of Russian universities, later called himself a "modern, fast and attractive way to communicate on the network“; -There is a virtual currency - the "voice“ – 1 voice is $ 0,23; - Developers have the opportunity to earn not only in games but also in advertising; - Social network does not restrict advertising projects of other developers;
Features - More "original" network than "vkontake" - appeared first. - Virtual currency "OK" – 1 Ok is S Developers can only earn on the game itself, the social network doesn't allow to advertise other developers’ games
my.mail.ru vk.com Odnoklassniki.ru
Russia - one of the few countries where the FB was not able to get"palm" at the local social networks and in the future the situation will not change. - In Russia, there are a lot of geeks who are very crazy about games. - Percentage who pay depends on many parameters.
Types of gamesVk.comOdnoklassniki.ru Logical «Chess», quizzes, etc. 15%20%20% Gambling «Poker» etc. 14%14%24%24% Farms «Zombie Mania, «Happy farmer» etc. 28%18% Virtual worlds «Over king», «The Rules of War» etc. 16%16%14% Casual «Shaman», «Star fall» etc. 27%24%24%
odnoklassniki.ru my.mail.ru vk.com