Workplace Violence: Risk Factors and Prevention Strategies Lynn Jenkins National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Division of Safety Research
Workplace Violence—A Long History Assaults Upon Medical Men— JAMA, 1892 First Homicide of a U.S. Law Enforcement Officer—January 1794
Defining Workplace Violence Definition: Violent acts towards persons while at work or on duty FORMS: Robbery-associated violence Violence by disgruntled clients, customers, patients, families of patients, etc. Violence by co-workers/former co-workers Family/intimate partner violence
Workplace Violence-Occupational Safety and Health Issue Early Milestones in NIOSH efforts 1988: NIOSH first published homicide data 1990: Workshop of Experts 1993: Published Alert on Homicide 1996: Published CIB on Workplace Violence
High Risk Industries Highest rate of workplace homicide occurs in the taxicab industry, rate 60 times the average rate Other high-risk industries include liquor stores and detective/protective services Largest number of events occurs in grocery stores
High Risk Occupations Highest rate occurs among taxicab drivers Other high-risk occupations include sheriffs/bailiffs, police/detectives, gas station/garage workers and security guards Largest number of events occurs among supervisors/proprietors in sales, more than twice as many as any other category
Circumstances or Perpetrator Workplace Homicides, US, 2000 Circumstances/ Perpetrator NumberPercent Robbery/Other Crime 52277% Co-worker/Former Co-worker 7511% Customer/Client375% Personal436% TOTAL677100%
BJS Data on Nonfatal Workplace Assaults National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS), Estimated 1.7 million workers experience a violent crime while working or on duty Majority are simple assaults 18% of all violent crime during the 7-year period
Risk Factors for Workplace Violence Contact with public Exchange of money Delivery of passengers,goods, services Mobile workplace Working alone or in small numbers Working with unstable or volatile persons Working late night/ early morning hours
Risk Factors for Workplace Violence Guarding valuable property or possessions Working in high-crime areas Working in community-based settings
Strategies for Preventing Workplace Violence ENVIRONMENTAL Visibility and lighting Cash handling Physical separation Access/egress Security devices Personal protective equipment
Strategies for Preventing Workplace Violence ADMINISTRATIVE Staffing patterns Work practices Policies and procedures
Strategies for Preventing Workplace Violence BEHAVIORAL Training in nonviolent response Training in conflict resolution Hazard awareness training Function and use of equipment/facilities Adherence to security policies, plans, procedures
KEY ISSUES in Workplace Violence Prevention Collaboration Evaluation