Pathology Report Colorectal Cancer Sahar Najibi April 11 th, 2008
Colorectal Cancer; aka colon cancer or large bowel cancer The growth of cancer in any part of the colon or the rectum. Polyps (tumor)- growths inside the colon and rectum that may become cancerous
Signs and Symptoms No symptoms until it has reached an advanced stage. When symptoms occur they are: Abdominal pain/ General stomach discomfort Change in bowel habits (diarrhea, constipation) Bloody stool or rectal bleeding Stool with mucus Narrower stools
What are the causes? Family history of stomach, abdominal, bowel, bone, or liver cancer. Increased rate after age of 50 Long-standing ulcerative colitis or Crohon’s disease of the colon Diet high in fat and low in fiber Lack of exercise Smoking/ Alcohol Smokers are more likely to die of colorectal cancer than non-smokers
Diagnosis Fecal occult blood test Double-contrast barium enema Endoscopic ultrasound Sigmoidoscopy Colonoscopy CT scan/ PET scan Blood tests Physical exam
Treatment Surgery Parts of affected area Colostomy Chemotherapy Radiation therapy Immunotherapy (vaccines) (If it is caught in early stages with little or no spread, it can be curable.)
Prognosis Stage i= curable by surgery Stage ii= 5 year survival rate 50-65% Almost curable as Stage i. Stage iii= 5 year survival rate 25%-40% Stage iv= 5 year survival rate 5 %
Prevention Diet high in fruits and vegetables Exercise and maintain a healthy weight Regular use of Aspirin or NSAID’s, oral contraceptives, and estrogen- replacement therapy Physical checkups Screening for colorectal cancer