Healthier Horizons Emerging NW Workforce, Education and Training Networks Chris Jeffries Workforce Programme Director NW
Better Care Better Health Better Life Policy Context Developing the Healthcare Workforce consultation closed 31 March Listening Exercise: Education and training closed 31 May Government response to listening exercise June New listening exercise Final Guidance on workforce and education future arrangements: Autumn (December)
Better Care Better Health Better Life Moving forward Future Forum 1
Better Care Better Health Better Life Future Forum Education and Training Next stage How can we make sure that NHS staff in the future have the right skills to meet changing patient needs? Are the arrangements we have proposed for education and training the best ones to ensure this? Will the proposed changes to the education and training system support the aims of the modernisation process? How can health professionals themselves take greater ownership of the education and training of their own professions, whilst meeting the needs of healthcare employers? How can we ensure that the values of the NHS are placed at the heart of our education and training arrangements? How can we best combine local and national knowledge and expertise to improve staff training and education?
Better Care Better Health Better Life National working groups Provider Networks Development Higher Education interface Funding Flows Information Architecture Health Education England Overarching Programme Board
Better Care Better Health Better Life Health Education England National leadership and strong accountability Whole workforce and inter-professional approach Strong relationships health, care and education partners Governance that reflects balance between professionals, services, public and patients, education Framework for dealing with smaller professions Make UK-wide links 6
Better Care Better Health Better Life HEE tasks Allocation Policy to LETBs including CPD issues Authorisation process for LETBs and continued licensing Contract management of LETBs Relationships with regulators and with UK principalities Quality framework Alignment with service
Better Care Better Health Better Life Local Workforce and Education and Training Networks Networks, led by healthcare providers & bringing together organisations & professionals from across health & care Time to develop Core part of NHS – have regard to NHS Constitution and NHS values: new statutory body or FT hosting Rigorous authorisation process 9
Better Care Better Health Better Life Future Funding Placement tariffs –Implement for medical undergraduate and non medical April 2012 with 4 to 6 year transition –Postgraduate medical and primary care still looking at options Allocation rollover Management costs envelope CPD Long term levy system
Better Care Better Health Better Life Difficult questions Nature of the whole workforce HEE and CPD HEE relationships with regulators, National Commissioning Board, Monitor… How Quality is monitored Relationship between LETBs and HEE Nature of LETB Legal entity
Better Care Better Health Better Life Developing the Healthcare workforce: North West position Consensus for 3 workforce and education networks –Cumbria and Lancashire –Cheshire and Merseyside –Greater Manchester Consensus for shared services To be decided: –Legal entity –Nature of shared services
Better Care Better Health Better Life Developing the Healthcare workforce Programme Board Programme Board to oversee transition to networks Programme management Development of stakeholder forum to support programme board: 15 July, 12 September Development of three network leadership groups Evolution of stakeholder fora to support each network: to be set up after network leadership groups
Better Care Better Health Better Life Governance consultation Good response Mainly supportive Requests for Public Heath, AHPs, Healthcare scientists and others to be represented Also Ambulance, social care, clinical tutors, Non Executive directors Questions about representation Querying GP representation process
Better Care Better Health Better Life Stakeholder forum Themes Communication Engagement Governance and Accountability Finance Benefit Realisation Performance Measure Processes Other professional group input
Better Care Better Health Better Life Network Leadership Groups The decision making engine of the arrangements Members explicitly there representing providers Professional advice from SHA staff To be determined –How works with stakeholder forum –How will work operationally
Better Care Better Health Better Life Network Leadership group membership Chief Executives (2) Medical Directors (2) Nursing Directors (2) HR/OD Directors (2) Finance Directors (2) GP/Primary healthcare representatives (2) Public Health Directors (2) Non Executive Director (1)
Better Care Better Health Better Life Network Leadership group roles Agreeing the overall strategy for the network Agreeing the business plan for the network including objectives for –Workforce Strategy –Education Commissioning –HR Strategy Agreeing the budgets for the network within its allocation including any recharges between the networks within the North West for lead commissioning Providing the overall framework for how the network undertakes its activities, the operating model
Better Care Better Health Better Life Network Leadership group roles Agreeing the education commissioning plan for the period based on the strategy and workforce plans Being accountable to the SHA board in the first instance and on to the Department of Health for the formal Service level Agreement and then Health Education England (HEE) through the formal contract Ensuring the contractual obligations with HEE are met Performance monitoring and taking appropriate action to ensure there is a continual focus on improving quality and providing value for money Managing conflicts of interest that partners may have from time to time
Better Care Better Health Better Life NW Timescale Networks governance consultation July/August Set up networks September to October Network boards start November Involvement of providers in commissioning and budget decisions November to March Decoupling setting up the legal entity from networks set up Await guidance before taking legal entity work further SHA to remain the legal entity until April 2013 within cluster
Better Care Better Health Better Life SHA Clusters: Impact on workforce and education Workforce and education functions with same team in same places Activities will continue: business as usual Congruence between the three SHAs to avoid conflict or precedents, e.g. workforce planning assumptions Cluster Director Tim Gilpin Workforce Programme Director NW
Better Care Better Health Better Life Creation of the Modernisation Hub Origins of the Hub –Delivering the Workforce –Largest Assistant and advanced Practitioner programme in UK –Consistency and standards –Multi professional –Foundation degree providers
Better Care Better Health Better Life Why set up the Modernisation Hub Sustainability during transition Ensures service led planning, engagement and ownership Fits with provider focus Similar models for Clinical placement network, Pharmacy workforce development, Health visitor development, AHP and Healthcare scientists networks….
Better Care Better Health Better Life Benefits of workforce modernisation Workforce QIPP –Skill mix –Multi professional skills Non medical consultant development Flexibility of roles Improving workforce planning Linking service improvement withy workforce strategy
Better Care Better Health Better Life Transition to the hub Education commissioning for assistant and advanced practitioners programmes, mainstreamed into commissioning processes contracts Workforce planning processes include assistant and advanced practitioners Hub commissioned through LDA
Better Care Better Health Better Life Our handover to you Passing workforce modernisation to service providers Due process in choosing a partner Driven by the management board Strategically managed by the host: 5 Boroughs Safe transition because this work is valuable
Better Care Better Health Better Life Thanks and any questions