IFAP presentation. WHAT IS IFAP? IFAP is the world farmers organisation representing > 600 million farm families A global network in which farmers from.


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Presentation transcript:

IFAP presentation

WHAT IS IFAP? IFAP is the world farmers organisation representing > 600 million farm families A global network in which farmers from industrialised and developing countries exchange concerns and set common priorities Advocates farmers interests at the international level since 1946 Has General Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Coucil of the United Nations Global network

Objectives Two main objectives : To secure food security in the world and To secure subsistance for farmers families

Principles Through the years, IFAP has stayed true to its principles of universality, democracy and mutual underrstanding IFAP is entirely governed and financed by its member organisations Farmers speak for themselves since they are members of IFAP.

Globalization IFAP sphere of competence is at the global level With globalization, much decision-making has passed to the international level Farmers’ must therefore work together to have their voices heard at this level So that their real problems are addressed, to influence international developments.

MEMBER ORGANISATIONS Strength through unity IFAP is an organism with members Members are national farmers’ organisations Recognised by IFAP as substantially and nationally representative of the agricultural primary producers within a country IFAP members are farmers’ organisations from developing or industrialised countries 115 national farmers’ organisations from 85 countries

The farmers’ organisations crucial role to get organized IFAP believes that farmers’ organisations have a crucial role in elaborating agricultural policies They are important because :  They give farmers the opportunity to contribute to the formulation of policies  Strengthen farmers’ position in the market  Farmers are stronger when they organize themselves to make vigorous defence of their future

IFAP’s action Defend interests & dialogue IFAP promotes special policies and claims concrete measures for families’ farms and farmers’ organisations throughout the world IFAP acts for developing farmers’ capacities to influence the decisions concerning farmers at the national and international levels.

… IFAP action ? Policies Interests’ defense Representation Information exchange Communication

Partners at the international level IFAP collaborates actively with several international organisations working on crucial issues concerning farmers Acts as a recognized spokesperson for the world’s farmers, bringing concerns of agricultural producers to the attention of international meetings of governments and other bodies.

… Partners at the international level Along with its partners, IFAP plays an active role by:  Advocating farmers interests at the international level: World Bank, OECD, FAO, IFAD, WTO, OMS etc.  Facilitating farmers represantatives to get involved in research network  Representing farmers in the UN convention for the environment  Giving farmers the opportunity to participate in the trade negociations.

THE ISSUES IFAP works on several issues that concern farmers and their well being The priorities are definied by the farmers themselves within the World Farmers Congress which occurs every two years

PRIORITIES There are nine political issues that have been identified by IFAP as priorities for :  Trade negociations and CAP reform  Strengthening farmers’ position in the food chain  Environnement and natural resources  Human health and animal welfare  Research  Rural poverty, hunger and development issues  The 10 principles of the World Farmers’ Charter  Recognition of women contribution in agriculture  Facilitating young farmers to enter agriculture

Regional issues: the mediterranean Committee Barcelona Agreement, created in 1990 President : M. Guy Giva (France) Vice- Presidents : Cherif Ould Hocine (Algeria), Giuseppe Politi (Italy), Mabrouk Bahri (Tunisia). Country members: Algeria, Cyprus, Egypt, France, Italy, Jordan, Moldova, Morocco, Palestine, Portugal, Spain, Syria, Tunisia and Turkey.

Regional issues: the mediterranean Committee Objectives  to develop a common identity for their products, in recognition of the specific nature and origin of their produce as part of the rural agricultural development of the basin  to give Mediterranean agriculture the attention it deserves in Euro-Mediterranean partnership agreements with a view to establishing a Free Trade Zone by 2010

Regional issues: the mediterranean Committee Functions  Lobbying EU bodies : the European Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the European Commission and the European Economic and Social Committee  Platform for the exchange of ideas and experience between farmers of the region on issues affecting them directly and on topical issues of interest  Stimulating technical cooperation between member farmers’ organisations and IFAP partners such as international organisations, research institutions (CIHEAM) and agricultural cooperation and development agencies

CONCLUSION … IFAP is An international organisation where farmers express themselves A global network where farmers share knowledge and common concerns A global platform or forum to highlight farmers’ interests A unique structure that proposes policies as formulated by farmers themselves Farmers’ voice – international level Farmers’ representation and interests defense

THANK YOU ! IFAP-FIPA 60, rue Saint-Lazare Paris, France Téléphone : Fax :