Two Rules! 1. React quickly. 2. Make a decision. Two Questions! 1. My situation? 2. Best options available? Two Objectives! 1. Survive. 2. Escape. Our Safety Depends On….
Avoid being an attractive target Safety in numbers Remain alert and aware Plan to be safe Safety In A Nutshell...
Common Safety Problems Assisting Robbers Piggybacking – Someone following employees through a door Employees propping doors open Failure to recognize strangers Failure to report Failure to document
Places where cash is handled Reception area Stairwells Elevators Restrooms After hours Parking lots and garages Common Trouble Spots
Keep purses, wallets, or valuables with you or secured Check the identity of strangers Always let someone know where you will be (lunch, restroom, late for work) Be discreet. Don’t announce your social life and vacation plans to visitors or callers Safety In The Office
Screen Visitors Always be alert for suspicious or abnormal behavior…. People in the wrong areas including employees Familiar (Expected) visitors Unknown (Unexpected) visitors Messengers, servicepersons, and maintenance workers
Being Safety Conscience Use the buddy approach Take the polite inquiry approach Be non-confrontational Question circumstances Respond to unresolved situations
Intruder/Trespasser (Unarmed) Notify supervisor Notify police Determine intruder’s exact location Stay away and keep others from intruder Determine the extent of the crisis
Criminal Incident Notify police Notify supervisor Protect the crime scene - identify and preserve evidence Separate witnesses Direct law enforcement
Remain calm Cooperate No surprises Don’t argue Don’t fight Don’t pursue Get a description When safe… Report to police What if WE are robbed?
Armed Robbery If you hear… Noise, Shouting, Gunfire it is your cue to: Seek cover Lay flat on the floor Don’t move Hands visible Listen carefully Expect to be over run by responding Public Safety Personnel
Hostage Situations Follow instructions First minutes most dangerous Remain Calm and Cooperative Avoid Heroics Don’t Make Suggestions Don’t be argumentative with anyone Don’t turn your back Maintain eye contact, but don’t stare Reasonable Requests - OK Telephone – Yes or No answers only Escape only if you are sure Be Patient – The police are working to free you!
Final Word…. Remember… Safety!