Youth in Action Engaging with youth and the world From policy to practice Dublin, 30 April 2010
2 Objectives of the YiA programme Promotion of young people’s active citizenship in general and their European citizenship in particular Development of solidarity and tolerance among young people Fostering of mutual understanding between young people from different countries Improvement of the quality of support systems for youth activities and the capabilities of civil society organisations in the youth field Promotion of European cooperation in the youth field
3 Priorities of the programme Permanent priorities –European citizenship –Participation of young people –Cultural Diversity (fight against racism and xenophobia) –Inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities Specific priorities are given each year 2010: –European year for combating poverty and social exclusion –Youth unemployment and promotion of young unemployed people’s active participation in society –Awareness-raising and mobilization of young people around global challenges (such as sustainable development, climate change, migrations, the Millennium Development Goals)
4 Actions Action 1 - Youth for Europe Action 2 - European Voluntary Service Action 3 - Youth in the World Action 4 – Youth Support Systems Action 5 - Support for European cooperation in the Youth field
5 Action 3: Youth in the World To support projects with Partner countries, in particular exchanges of young people, youth workers and youth organisations To develop partnerships and network of youth organisations Sub-actions 3.1 Cooperation with the Neighbouring Partner Countries of the EU Exchanges Training and networking activities 3.2 Cooperation with other Partner Countries of the World Call for proposals
6 Action 3.1 Cooperation with the Neighbouring Partner Countries of the EU
7 Action 3.1 Cooperation with the Neighbouring Partner Countries Who can apply Non profit/non governmental organisation Local, regional public body Body active at European level in the field of youth Promoter legally established in a Programme Country or a South East Europe Country hosting the activity
8 Action 3.1 Cooperation with the Neighbouring Partner Countries Partners involved in the project Non profit/non governmental organisation Local, regional public body Informal group of young people Body active at European level in the field of youth From a Programme Country or a Neighbouring Partner Country
9 Neighbouring Partner Countries South East Europe (SEE) Eastern Europe and Caucasus (EEC) Mediterranean Partner Countries Albania Bosnia and Herzegovina Croatia Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) Kosovo (under UNSC resolution 1244/1999) Montenegro Serbia Armenia Azerbaijan Belarus Georgia Moldova Russian Federation Ukraine Algeria Egypt Israel Jordan Lebanon Morocco Palestinian Authority of the West Bank and Gaza Strip Syria Tunisia
10 Action 3.1 Cooperation with the Neighbouring Partner Countries Youth exchanges A project which brings together groups of young people from at least 2 countries, providing them with an opportunity to discuss and confront various themes, while learning about each other’s countries and cultures
11 Action 3.1 Cooperation with the Neighbouring Partner Countries Youth exchanges Number of promoters Bilateral (1 promoter from EU and 1 from NPC) Trilateral (3 promoters, at least 1 from EU and 1 from NPC) Multilateral (4 promoters or more, at least 1 from EU and 2 from NPC) Eligible participants Aged between 13 and 25 and legally resident in a programme Country or a NPC Number of participants Minimum 16 - Maximum 60
12 Action 3.1 Cooperation with the Neighbouring Partner Countries Youth exchanges Composition of national groups of participants Bilateral: minimum 8 participants per group Trilateral: minimum 8 participants per group Multilateral: minimum 4 participants per group Each national group must have at least one group leader Venue Country of one of the promoters (but not in a Mediterranean Partner Country) Duration of the project Maximum 15 months Duration of the activity 6 -> 21 days
13 Action 3.1 Cooperation with the Neighbouring Partner Countries Training and networking activities A project developed with a view to support capacity-building and innovation amongst promoters, exchange of experience, expertise and good practice, or a project leading to the development of further projects under the Youth in Action Programme
14 Action 3.1 Cooperation with the Neighbouring Partner Countries Training and networking activities Job shadowing, Feasibility visit, Evaluation meeting, Study visit, Partnership-building activity, Seminar, Training course, Networking Number of promoters At least 2: Job shadowing and Feasibility visit (1 from EU and 1 from NPC) At least 4: Evaluation meeting, Study visit, Partnership-building activity, Seminar Training course (1 from EU and 2 from NPC) At least 6: Networking (1 from EU and 3 from NPC) Eligible participants No age limit, legally resident in a programme Country or a NPC Number of participants Maximum 2: Job shadowing and Feasibility visit (per promoter) Maximum 50: Evaluation meeting, Study visit, Partnership-building activity, Seminar Training course Networking: No limit
15 Action 3.1 Cooperation with the Neighbouring Partner Countries Training and networking activities Job shadowing, Feasibility visit, Evaluation meeting, Study visit, Partnership-building activity, Seminar, Training course, Networking Venue Country of one of the promoters (but not in a Mediterranean Partner Country) Duration of the project 3 -> 18 months Duration of the activity 2 -> 3 days: Feasibility visit No more than 10 days: Evaluation meeting, Study visit, Partnership-building activity Seminar, Training course 10 -> 20 days: Job shadowing 3 -> 15 months: Networking
16 Action 3.1 Cooperation with the Neighbouring Partner Countries Projects starting betweenApplication deadlines 1 August and 31 December1 February 1 December and 30 April1 June 1 March and 31 July1 September Where to apply At centralised level (EACEA): 3 application deadlines a year Applications by: Bodies active at European level in the youth field Promoters established in South East Europe and hosting the activity
17 Action 3.1 Cooperation with the Neighbouring Partner Countries Projects starting betweenApplication deadlines 1 May and 30 September1 February 1 July and 30 November1 April 1 September and 31January1 June 1 December and 30 April1 September 1 February and 31 July1 November Where to apply At national level (NA): 5 application deadlines a year Applications by: Non profit/non governmental organisation Local, regional public body
18 Action 3.1 Cooperation with the Neighbouring Partner Countries Award criteria External independent experts Relevance to the objectives and priorities of the Programme (30%) Quality of the project and methods proposed (50%) Profile of the participants (20%)
19 Action 3.2 Cooperation with other Partner Countries of the World
20 Action 3.2 Cooperation with other Partner Countries of the World Objectives Improve the mobility of young people and youth workers Promote youth empowerment and active participation Foster capacity-building for youth organisations and structures Promote cooperation, exchange of experience and good practice in the field of youth and non-formal education Contribute to the development of youth policies, youth work and voluntary sector Develop sustainable partnership and networks between youth organisations
21 Action 3.2 Cooperation with other Partner Countries of the World 2010 annual priorities of the call –Awareness-raising and mobilization of young people around global challenges (such as sustainable development, climate change, migrations, the Millennium Development Goals) –European year for combating poverty and social exclusion –Strengthening the Euro-African dialogue, exchange and cooperation in the field of youth –Promoting dialogue and cooperation in the field of youth between the EU and China with a view to contributing to the Europe-China Year of Youth in 2011
22 Action 3.2 Cooperation with other Partner Countries of the World Who can apply Non governmental organisation Public body at regional or local level National Youth Council Promoter legally established for at least 2 years in a Programme Country
23 Action 3.2 Cooperation with other Partner Countries of the World Projects must involve partners from at least 4 different countries At least 2 programme countries, of which 1 is a Member State of the EU and 2 Partner countries List Partner countries: Programme Guide (Page 18)
24 Action 3.2 Cooperation with other Partner Countries of the World Indicative activities Large-scale youth events Seminars and conferences Activities encouraging the policy dialogue in the field of youth Information and awareness campaigns in favour of and by young people Training and capacity-building of youth workers, youth organisations and multipliers Job-shadowing and long-term mobility for youth workers
25 Action 3.2 Cooperation with other Partner Countries of the World Where to apply At centralised level (EACEA) Call for proposals 2010 EACEA/11/10 Full text published by Education, Audiovisual & Culture Executive Agency Short version published in the Official Journal n° C 64 on the 16/03/2010, available in 22 languages Proposals must comply with the provisions set out in the full text
26 Action 3.2 Cooperation with other Partner Countries of the World Timetable Submission of the applications: 17/05/2010 Notification of the selection results:August 2010 Signature of the grant agreements: September 2010 Starting date of the projects: 1/11/2010 -> 31/12/2010 Minimum duration: 6 months Maximum duration: 12 months
27 Action 3.2 Cooperation with other Partner Countries of the World Budget € Maximum grant: € Maximum co-financing: 80%
28 Action 3.2 Cooperation with other Partner Countries of the World Award criteria External independent experts Relevance to the objectives and priorities of the Call (30%) Quality of the project and working methods proposed (50%) Profile and number of participants and promoters involved in the project (20%)
29 Further information? EACEA – Youth Unit - CONTACT DETAILS Information: Tel Youth Helpdesk: Tel Internet links: EACEA:
30 Thank you for your attention!