Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management
2 Source of materials: Project: “Strengthening in-country tropical marine resources management training capacity in Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands.” A project managed by The Nature Conservancy on behalf of AusAid implemented by the Australian Tropical Marine Alliance and the Coral Triangle Center in collaboration with the Coral Triangle Support Partnership (CTSP) EAFM Working Group and with Bob Pomeroy and Rusty Brainard
3 Course trials Trial runs: Solomon Islands, Honiara, October 2012 Papua New Guinea, Kavieng, November 2012 Course review and editing based on feedback during trials. Final training delivered to trainers: Papua New Guinea, Port Moresby, June 2013 Solomon Islands, Honiara, July 2013
4 Outcomes Key learning outcomes that students will achieve: Management approaches Ecosystem functioning Fish biology Human dimensions in fisheries Fisheries assessment approaches Development and implementation of an EAFM plan Apply adaptive management
5 Course overview Course overview: Unit 1. Threats to sustainable fishing Unit 2. Fisheries management Unit 3. Ecosystems Unit 4. An ecosystem approach to fisheries management Unit 5. Fish biology Unit 6. Local coastal fisheries Unit 7. Local fisheries governance Unit 8. Fisheries assessments Unit 9. An ecosystem approach to fisheries management plan Unit 10. Monitoring and compliance
6 Expectations of students Read through course notes as much as possible Read one of key course references (prescribed by trainer) Complete homework questions Compile a glossary of new concepts and terms Participate in class activities/tutorials Choose a local fishery/region as a case study for the course Develop an EAFM plan for your chosen case study Extra readings optional
7 Assessment Students will be assessed on the following: Class participation (attendance, activities, tutorials) EAFM Plan (completion, standard) Journal (thoughts, demonstrated learning of key concepts) Glossary (new concepts and terms including local language equivalents)