Medical Terminology
Will be offered the school year
As an extension of Health Science Technology
For those interested in a career in health care
Develop a working knowledge of the language of medicine
By relating terms to body systems
Enhances your ability to secure employment
And pursue advanced education in health care
So when the doctor tells your mom
She needs to have a
Bilateral salpingo- oophorectomy
You can impress her with your knowledge
That she needs a hysterectomy!!
See your counselor
To choose Medical Terminology
As a part of your schedule for the school year
Health Science Technology II Clinical Rotations
Provides for the development of knowledge and skills related to a wide variety of health careers
By providing opportunities to observe and assist in the health care setting
Students will have hands-on experiences in a variety of health care fields
Such as: -Respiratory Therapy -Radiology Technology -Medical Laboratory -Nursing -Veterinary Medicine -Cardiology -Wound Care -Gerontology
The course covers: -Body Mechanics -Asepsis -Professionalism -Pathophysiology -Trauma -Therapeutic Skills -Diagnostic Skills -Environmental Skills -Occupationally Specific Knowledge and Skills -Employability Skills
Plan on Health Science Technology
Requirements: - Transportation - Scrubs - Completion of HST I
Sign up today for this unique hospital and classroom experience
Gerontology- Certified Nurse Assistant Class
Will be offered for the school year
As a part of Health Science Technology
Get prepared for the world of work
Make a difference in someone’s life
Get a job and start a career in health care while still in High School
Earn credit toward a degree in health care
Talk to your counselor today!
A course to develop health care specific knowledge and skills
Includes: -health care careers -communication -ethics -legal responsibilities -patient care -safety -first aid -CPR -basic human anatomy
recommended for students in grades 9-12
Credit for Health Education may be given upon completion of a full year of HST I
Choose Health Science Technology I
To begin your career in health care