Meeting the Educational Needs of Off-Service Residents on a Surgical Service Nicole Woods and Najma Ahmed Department of Surgery, University of Toronto Department of Surgery University of Toronto
The Problem GS rotation highly rated by general surgery residents Poorly rated by family practice residents Competencies required by these two group of learners clearly very different
How do we meet the learning needs of these two diverse groups of learners ?
Purpose Create and implement a curriculum that would be responsive to the needs of FP residents completing a one-month GS rotation Create an exemplar of how to optimize the learning of off-service residents on a surgical service
Methods Needs assessment: –19 PGY 1 & 2 FP residents –9 had completed general surgery –10 had yet to complete general surgery Questionnaires: 3 page, likert scale Focus Groups: 4, 1 hour focus groups
Results of Needs Assessment Identified 4 major deficiencies –Inadequate exposure to out-pt GS problems –Feeling unprepared for trauma –Inadequate experience with minor surgery –Inadequate knowledge of wounds/ostomies
Design of New Curriculum Structured out patient clinic experience ATLS pre GS rotation Minor plastics OR day Wound care workshop given by ACNP Education of faculty and GS residents about the unique learning needs of FP residents
Performance Gap Analysis 30 items divided into 4 four domains –Ambulatory clinic experience –In patient and ED experience –Trauma bay experience –Ambulatory OR experience At start and end of rotation, rated present and desired comfort with various competencies –derived from needs assessment
N = 21 N = 24 p=0.03
Performance Gap Analysis N = 24
Conclusion Identified unmet learning needs of FP residents rotating on GS Created and implemented a needs based curriculum Measurable increase in learner satisfaction and comfort with various competencies derived from needs assessment
Exemplar Model that could be used to improve learner satisfaction of off-service resident on various rotations