Government Computerized Patient Record Framework Project January 8,
What is the GCPR? The GCPR Framework is middle-ware for the secure exchange of clinical patient data among government organizations responsible for providing healthcare presently including DoD, IHS and VA
What is GCPR? Adopt and Adhere to Standards where they exist, and advance the development and establishment of standards when they are absent Composed of –Common Information Model –Common Terminology Models –each borrows from HL7 V3
GCPR Modeling Work Completed Modeling –Patient Demographics –Laboratory Results and Text-based Reports –Medications –Immunizations –Problem List –Vitals
GCPR Modeling Work Modeling in Progress –Provider Demographics and Credentialing –Security
Terminology & GCPR STM - Short Term Model –Registry of Agency Codesets mapped to each other and to RIM Attributes –11179 Metadata Registry Subset –714,698 terms; 9,388 codesets –Opportunity for Collaboration/Sharing with HL7
GCPR and Terminology RTM - Reference Terminology Model –Concept-based –Formal Definitions –More Maintainable, and Robust vs. STM –RTM Demonstration Project: Pilot project to model drugs
GCPR Accomplishments Successful Proof of Concept Testing - 11/99 Successful Prototype - 3/00
GCPR Reuse within VA VAMC to VAMC Medication Interchange Project –Will deliver computer-usable patient- specific medication data between VAMC’s –Reuses “M” based Orb development –Reuses COAS Template work –Reuses Medication Modeling –Plan for testing in January-February time frame
GCPR - Future Direction “Interim Solutions” –Goal is to provide human usable, but not necessarily computer-usable information between partner agencies –Candidates under evaluation VA Health Summary, “Slingshot”, PacMedNet T2P2 –Timeline: Partial Implementation by end of FY01.
GCPR - Future Direction Pilot Testing –Current Scope: Demographics, Labs and Medications –Current Time Frame: End of FY01
GCPR - Future Direction Project Evolution –New Business Model creates core functionality and builds domain specific capabilities as required
Business Requirements Modeling Engineering/ Architecture Deliverable Business/Technology Assessment GCPR Framework Enterprise Master Patient Index/Personal Identification Service Privacy/Security Clinical Observation Access Service (COAS)/Data Collection Service Mediation (3M) Cache Messaging Terminology Transaction Management/ Audit Service Test & Evaluation/ Risk Mitigation Maintenance/Support GCPR - Proposed New Business Model
GCPR - Future Direction Project Evolution –Increased requirements for short-term deliverables –Re-evaluation of Framework Goals is underway
Questions? Project Manager –Dave Camacho Agency Project Leads: –VA: Michael Mims –DoD: Phil Dederer –IHS: George Huggins, Indian Health Service