Mr C Johnston ICT Teacher BTEC IT Unit 43 - Lesson 05 IMMP Assets: Types, Sources and Legalities
Objectives Be able to identify a range of different asset types, Be able to suggest suitable source(s) for a particular asset, Understand that assets sources may be subject to legal implications.
Assets Required Within your designs for your IMMP you will have identified a number of assets which are need to create your IMMP, Each asset will be of a specific type and could include: Text, (facts, information, instructions) Images / Graphics (drawings, photos, clipart, scanned images, line drawings, vector shapes, charts/graphics) Video, Sound (narration, sound effects, music) Animation (transitions, flash, gifs, tweening, text effects, time lines) Interactive features (transitions, menus, submenus, buttons, links, pop- ups, drag and drop games, quizzes).
Asset Sources
Sources Brainstormed 2013 Typical Sources for Assets Include: World Wide Web Clipart Libraries Libraries Software Appz to create own assets Take Pictures / Record Assets yourself Scan own artwork / own photographs Books Media (cassettes / VHS / CDs / DVDs) Facts from people in the know Own background knowledge
Legal Implications Copyright Designs and Patent Act (1998) Prohibits the download and use of copyrighted music, images and other assets, Computer Misuse Act (1990) Prohibits the unauthorised access to information, assets and other materials stored on computer systems Data Protection Act (1998) When images of people are taken and stored electronically for non personal use then you are responsible for keeping these safely PCCs Editors Code of Conduct Rule 6 has specific guidance about the acquisition and publication of pictures / articles about children, Criminal Justice and Public Order Act (1994) Prohibits trespass on property owned by somebody else so you can only photograph on private land if you have permission from the owner to be on it Human Rights Act (1998) Have to respect peoples private and family life – need to really be intrusive for it to apply.
Avoiding Legal Implications 1 Avoid plagiarism rewrite in own words, Avoid copyrighted material use copyright free material, create it yourself – drawing tools, photos, keyboard / music software, record sounds, shoot video….. There is no law against anyone taking pictures of people in a public place as long as the person using the camera is not harassing people – ICO April 23 rd 2009 If you need to photograph something on private land – either take the photo from a public place or ask the landowners permission – don’t trespass, Publishing photos which shows people in a bad light or which manipulate the truth could result in you being sued,
Avoiding Legal Implications 2 Copyright of photographs belongs to the taker and as long as the pictures taken are not libellous or acquired illegally then you are ok to publish them, Although publishing images of children is not illegal you should really gain permission their parents, Don’t stalk people and be intrusive to get photos otherwise you could fall fowl of the Human Rights Act (1998), Ask permission to use copyrighted material, Acknowledgment of all sources.
P3 Requirements P3 requires you to list all the assets which you need for your IMMP, suggest a possible source for each and any potential legal implications… A table might be the best way to present evidence for this criterion. Scene…… AssetTypePossible SourceLegal Implications For P3, when identifying sources reference should be made to legal requirements. P3 - identify how the elements of the content will be sourced