Principles of Computer Science I Honors Section Note Set 1 CSE 1341 – H 1
Overview 2 Review of Syllabus Outline Requirements Expectations What we’re going to learn
Prof. Info 3 Mark Fontenot Caruth 110
Office Hours 4 Electronic: All the time Please Identify Yourself in the . Monday: 1:30 – 2:30 Thursday: 2:00 – 3:00
Course Website 5 Will link to all Lecture Notes Programming Assignment Handouts Links to homework assignments Check it often!!! Available through Blackboard also
Teaching Assistant 6 Bryan Nix
Getting Help 7 Come to my office hours Use the discussion board on Blackboard GO TO LAB!!! CSE Help Desk Many hours Many TA’s
8 Assignments
Homework 9 Regularly assigned homework assignments – Usually due on Friday before class starts unless otherwise noted Download and print from web-site. No late homeworks accepted. One homework grade will be dropped at the end of the semester.
Programming Projects 10 Opportunity to use the concepts that we’ve talked about in class Most Projects will be assigned over at least 2 weeks will have 2 sets of deliverables Design documents first week Implementation files second week
Programming Projects 11 Deliverables usually are due by Tuesday 6:00 p.m. of the week listed on the course outline Students responsibility to submit programs early or on-time (Blackboard) Late programs are not accepted except with special permission from the professor A point penalty will be incurred! TA cannot give you this permission! We will also take part in interdisciplinary projects with ME 1202 and EE 1382!
Programming Assignments 12 What you should submit Design Documents Structure Chart Pseudocode Implementation Files Source Code Executables No hard copies of any of these will be submitted/accepted – only submit via Blackboard Other deliverables may be added as the semester progresses
No Exams!!! 13 No Large Exams 4 quizzes obviously occur more often Check outline for tentative dates Cannot be made up except with special permission
Your Final Grade 14 Type:Percentage: Quizzes25 % Projects40 % Interdisciplinary Design Projects20 % Homework Assignments10 % Attendance and Active Participation5 % Will be determined by adding up all the points you have accumulated throughout the semester
Attendance and Participation 15 For this class, Lab is Mandatory. Participating in class and lab is essential and required. Your final grade will also reflect the amount of time spent outside class/lab. Expect to spend 8 – 12 hours per week on work outside this class. You also don’t want to miss those extra bonus points that pop up here and there
Academic Ethics 16 In General, you are expected to create, edit and print out YOUR OWN assignments and take tests without outside assistance. All work is expected to be your own. This class will have a some amount of group work. Each team member is fully responsible for knowing the details of the complete implementation and must be able to explain/defend their group’s solution.
Academic Ethics 17 For Individual Work: You should never look at or review another person’s work for any given assignment; that includes looking at papers or even at the computer screen where student work is displayed. You should never give an answer to or receive an answer for an assignment, or any parts of any assignment, from another person; again, that includes source code, design documents, homework, etc.
Academic Ethics 18 If you violate the collaboration policy for a graded assignment as in the example activities noted above, you will receive an F in the course. (Penalties may be less severe as decided by Prof. Fontenot).
Academic Ethics 19 You may be brought to the Honor Council for any act of Academic Dishonesty – either giving or receiving solutions
Academic Ethics Recap 20 Do your own work and we’ll get along just fine!
21 The Class
What should you know already? 22 Basic Imperative Language Concepts Data types and variable declarations Console Input and Output Conditional Constructs (if, if..else, switch/case) Looping Constructs (for, while, do..while) Functions
What are we going to do in this class? 23 Intermediate Structured C++ topics 1- and 2-Dimensional Arrays Searching and Sorting algorithms Pointers, Arrays vs. Pointers, and Dynamic Memory Allocation Structures and Structured Data File Input/Output Intro Object Oriented Programming Basic network programming other fun topics!!!
Programming Environment 24 Eclipse ( CDT – Plug-in for Eclipse that handles C++ projects Cygwin (
Path to Success in CSE Attend lecture and lab Ask questions about things you don’t understand Do the programming assignments Think of the programming assignments as time spent studying for upcoming quizzes. They will help you immensely Don’t wait until the last minute to start – you probably won’t finish.
Questions?? 26 ?