Better Preparing the NWS to meet America's Growing Needs Information Brief 1
NWS Operations Proving Ground The Vision: Get it to the field faster Preparing NWS staff for Impact-Based Decision Support Services (IDSS) Effective transfer from Research to Operations for more accurate and timely forecasts, warnings, and information to save lives and enhance the U.S. economy Feedback from Operations to Research optimizing limited resources to focus new science and technology research to improve future NWS services Preparing today's forecaster for tomorrows Weather Ready Nation 2
NWS Operations Proving Ground Drivers: Weather Ready Nation Strategy Services Roadmap Science and Technology Roadmap Workforce Evolution Business Plan Preparing today's forecaster for tomorrows Weather Ready Nation 3
NWS Operations Proving Ground What is it? Proof of concept prior to national implementation Proving Ground Improved Operations and Services Research to Operations National Test beds New Models Services New Systems Customer Feedback Field Innovations/ RITT 4
Need/Opportunity Collection & Validation Stage 1 Define and Validate Needs and Opportunities Concept Exploration & Definition Stage 2 Perform Exploratory Research Develop Concept of Operations and Operational Requirements Applied Research & Analysis Stage 3 Perform Applied Research Develop Requirements Analyze Solutions Operational Development Stage 4 Validate in Operations Proving Ground Develop/Acquire Operational Systems Deploy, Maintain, & Assess Stage 5 Implement Solutions Begin O&M Assess Results NWS Operations Proving Ground Where does it fit? 5
NWS Operations Proving Ground Benefits: Build a little...test a little…field a little Evaluate human factors/impact to operations Customer /field office feedback prior to new service implementation Direct linkage to future training needs Operational feedback to researchers and technologists Innovation while limiting risk to mission critical operations 6
State EOCs IDSS Web of Collaboration Incident Responders County EOCs WFO NWS Ops Proving Ground WFO Regional Ops WFO 7
New sciences are developed, channeled through various test beds, validated in the Ops. Proving Ground, replicated at prototype centers, and then released for general NWS operations improvement. Anticipated Processes AWIPS Updates GOES-R Proving Ground Aviation Weather Testbed Climate Testbed Hazardous Weather Testbed Societal Impacts Program Joint Hurricane Testbed Hydromet Testbed Prototype WFOs Prototype RFC Prototype CWSU IDSS Training 8
Hire Staff Order Proving Ground Hardware Develop prioritization and governance Design Proving Ground Communications with Prototype WFOs Leverage other funding sources FY11Priorities Laying the Foundation Proving Ground 9
Complete proving Ground Plans Select and develop test scenarios and datasets Begin conducting Proving Ground evaluations Begin integrating other test-bed activities FY12 Priorities Implementation of the Proving Ground 10
Summary Dedicated resources are key to success Preparing NWS staff for Impact-Based Decision Support Services (IDSS) Effective transfer from Research to Operations for more accurate and timely forecasts, warnings, and information to save lives and enhance the U.S. economy Feedback from Operations to Research optimizing limited resources to focus new science and technology research to improve future NWS services 11
Next Steps Begin recruitment of Proving Ground Director/IT staff Begin procurement for Proving Ground equipment Integrate with Services 2020 roadmap Interate with S&T roadmap Integrate with existing test bed community 12