CIPC Executive Committee Update CIPC Meeting Mesa AZ March 16, 2006 Barry Lawson CIPC Vice-Chair CIPC Confidentiality: Public Release
CIPC Executive Committee Activities ● Participated in Jan 19/06 PCIS meeting Discussed issues re: draft NIPP with new DHS Under Secretary George Foresman Frank and open discussion re: issues such as National Asset Data Base, risk assessment methodology, need for flexibility within each sector General sense that DHS is listening to private sector concerns, and that NIPP will be moderated somewhat from previous versions
CIPC Executive Committee Activities ● NIPP-related actions Asked Risk Assessment WG to assess CIPC risk assessment methodologies for suitability against NIPP criteria (ref. Risk Assessment Methodologies for Use by the Electricity Sector) Successful discussions with DOE re: private sector concerns, hopefully will be addressed in Sector-Specific Plan Final NIPP expected May 1 Sector-Specific Plans expected 6 months later
CIPC Executive Committee Activities ● Plan to meet with Government Coordinating Council (GCC) late April/early May Discuss how best to contribute to DOE’s development of the Sector-Specific Plan Briefing by DHS of HITRAC’s Electricity sector threat assessment, will determine value of briefing at June CIPC meeting Discuss ESCC-GCC role with “Roadmap to Secure Control Systems in the Energy Sector” Review process to change current ES threat level, and consider lowering from Yellow to Blue for the electricity sector Develop electricity sector goals and metrics
CIPC Executive Committee Activities ● Confidentiality and information-sharing PCII policy document near-final development by DHS legal counsel – expected to be released in “reasonably near future” FACA issues for PCIS and SCC/GCCs under final review. Recommendation expected “soon” by DHS Secretary