Welcome to Grade 6!
Important Information Agenda Agenda's will be stamped everyday to ensure homework has been written down. I ask that you initial it each evening. If you give your child something like a note, book order or field trip form please remind them to give/ show it to me. Homework… I always try to ensure that adequate time in class is given for homework, but occasionally, especially in Math, some homework will be given. Students will also be expected to study for quizzes/ tests at home. HOME READING Your child needs to read books at a level that they can read INDEPENDENTLY. Be sure to ask questions to check if he/she fully comprehends the text. Officially begins in October. -read ANYTHING -20 min a day, every day!
Lunches It is extremely important to send nutritious, balanced lunches, which include fruit and vegetables. Please do not send pop. We have several severe peanut allergies in the class, so please refrain from sending this in your child's lunch. If it is brought to school, they will be asked to eat that item in the office. Birthdays Birthdays are acknowledged at school with a happy birthday on the morning announcements. You are welcome to send a special snack of cookies, cupcakes or other treats that are easy to share (don’t require plates etc) to help your child celebrate his/her birthday. Library Students can take out two books if they return the books borrowed during the previous week.
My Website: important reminders homework study guides to use in our class to save paper and time!
I will be sending out a letter in early October listing the outcomes you will see on the first report card, as well as the dates for the Grade 6 Provincial achievement tests. Keep in mind that these outcomes are not set in stone as things may change as the needs of the students become clearer.
Year at a Glance! Math Patterns Understanding Numbers Decimals Fractions, ratios and percent Angles and Polygons Geometry and Measurement Data Analysis and Probability Transformations
Science Evidence and Investigation Sky Science Air and Aerodynamics Flight Trees and Forests
Social Studies Shaping Society together Democracy in Canada, Ancient Athens and the Iroquois Confederacy Local and Provincial Government
Language Arts Reading Comprehension Reading Strategies Word Work Poetry Writing Grammar CAFE/ Daily 5 Letter Writing Poetry Articles Persuasive Writing Story Writing
Field Trips Glass Artwork Alberta Legislature Telus World of Science Year End Field Trip to Galaxyland
WE DAY St. Timothy has committed to two “We Act” service projects this year, one for our own community and the other for another country in need. What and how St. Timothy does this will be up to the 18 students that are selected to be part of this opportunity. On November 3, the 18 students will travel to the Saddledome in Calgary to attend We Day. You can't buy a ticket to We Day—the students earn it through the service projects St. Timothy has committed to. As mentioned above each school is only able to send 18 students to We Day. Because of this, if your child is interested they are being asked to create a project based on their opinions of the following two questions: “Why should my generation care?” and “What can my school do to help make a difference?” This will be due on October 15th and evaluated based on their projects. Time in class will NOT be given to complete this project. The 18 chosen students will then become the “We Team”, travel to Calgary for We Day and be responsible for initiating and running the We Act service projects throughout the year. There is also a fee to attended We Day of $29.00.
If you need to contact me, please feel free to call me at the school, jot a note in the agenda or send me an at