DAILY ATTENDANCE We expect you to be in school every day! Most students miss less than 5 days through the entire school year. Illness is a legitimate excuse for missing school. Unexcused absence may lead to truancy and fines! Feeling lousy is no excuse for missing school, don’t baby yourself and make excuses !
BEHAVIOR & RESPECT We expect you to greet students, staff, and visitors when passing them in the hall! We expect you to treat our facilities with respect; as if they belonged to you! We expect you to act and talk in a respectful manner to all adults in the building and not question their directives! We expect you to know the difference between right and wrong and make appropriate choices! We expect you to be honest at all times! Do you have a discipline file in my office? Have you ever seen a Middle School Discipline Slip?
HOMEWORK We expect you to accurately record all assignments in your student agenda! We expect you to ask the teacher for assistance if you do not understand the assignment! We expect you to study at home if the work is not completed during class! We expect you to complete your work on time, bring it to school, and turn it in! We expect you to do your own work; when your parents do your work or you copy from a friend, that is cheating!
QUALITIES OF A GOOD STUDENT We expect you to designate a place and time at home for homework. We expect you to use your student agenda to record assignments, tests, quizzes, and project deadlines. We expect you to arrive at class with all materials you need. We expect you to study for all test and quizzes and to do your best on all school related work. We expect you to value learning because it is the one thing in life that no one can take from you!
What challenges might you face this year? How will you overcome your personal challenges? What is the biggest challenge you may face this year?