Dearest Gen 3, With our motto: “HEARTS IN ACTION” we’ve all been doing our best to tend to the needs of Jesus in our brothers and sisters, and we’ve all experienced the happiness it gives us. A SPECIAL ENCOUNTER WITH POPE FRANCIS Achic from Ecuador and Matias from Paraguay represented the 1000 gen 3 who were here in Rome for the SUPERCONGRESS, and in St. Peter’s Square, they were able to personally hand him a colorful ALBUM with pictures and experiences of the gen 3 from all over the world. The Pope looked at every page and was very happy. He encouraged us to continue opening our hearts, multiplying all our activities in favor of all the people on the “outskirts of the world.” That’s how he calls all the “grey corners” we find in our neighborhoods and cities. His words urged us even more to “go out” and bring our love to everyone. OUTLOOK ON THE NEW YEAR DIRECT LINK WITH THE GEN 3 CENTER ALL THE NEWS WE’VE BEEN GETTING FROM YOU SHOWS JUST HOW MUCH IS GOING ON ALL OVER THE WORLD! And now it’s time to ask ourselves: after all our efforts in our project “Coloring Our City With Love,” what’s the next step we need to take towards the goal Chiara set out for us of bringing all the boys and girls of the world to God? Emmaus is proposing a theme to live out for the next Ideal year in the whole Movement: “Mutual Love.” This is a GOAL that will help us open up towards each other so we can bring that presence of God, born from our mutual love, to everyone. We can live it in our units, in the focolare communities where we live as a family, with the adults, young people and children, and we can also build a network among the boys and girls in different cities and countries of the world. We’ll have a particular chance to live all this through our “WORLD-MAN” project! 3 SETTEMBRE 2013
After the “full-immersion” in this unity lab, we’ll all take off towards other cities and countries of Latin America, each according to the connections that have already been set up. We’ll each give our brush-stroke of brotherhood all the way from Mexico to the Tierra del Fuego! THE GEN 3 AND TEENS 4 UNITY IN THOSE COUNTRIES HAVE ALREADY STARTED WORKING TO WELCOME THOSE WHO WILL BE GOING. THEY’VE PROPOSED VARIOUS ACTIVITIES TO CARRY OUT TOGETHER: IN THE SOCIAL CENTERS OF POOR NEIGHBORHOODS, WITH INDIGINOUS PEOPLES, IN SCHOOLS FOR LITTLE KIDS AND BOYS AND GIRLS IN NEED, WITH GROUPS OF PEOPLE OF DIFFERENT RELIGIONS… ALL OCCASIONS TO OPEN OUR HEARTS AND MINDS TO NEW EXPERIENCES! AN IDEA CAME UP DURING THE GEN 3 RAINBOW UNITS MEETING: Besides discussing it in our gen units and teens4unity groups, let’s talk about it with those who share our same ideal where we live: in our LOCAL FOCOLARE COMMUNITIES. AND TO START, WHY NOT RENEW THE PACT OF MUTUAL LOVE WITH ALL OF THEM? GO TO “PROGETTO UOMO-MONDO” (“WORLD-MAN PROJECT”) ON TO GIVE FEEDBACK ON HOW THINGS ARE GOING AND THERE YOU’LL ALSO FIND OUT HOW TO START THE MUTUAL EXCHANGE AMONG BOYS AND GIRLS FROM DIFFERENT COUNTRIES. The STARTING POINT will be in Mariapolis Lia (Buenos Aires, Argentina), where there will be 500 of us gen 3 and teens4unity from different parts of the world. We won’t only have the chance to discover the faces of Jesus Forsaken in those lands, but also the richness which that part of the world has to offer to the other countries: new relationships, true and deep friendships, diversity of cultures that come together in the most beautiful harmony… “WORLD-MAN” PROJECT (phase I) You’ll find a summary of the project phases in the attached PPT, too. And where to start from? Each zone, besides sending a few representatives to Latin America, can be more of a protagonist in this project. HOW? All of us, that very same week, can “AIM FURTHER” and go to other cities, near or far, getting involved with the boys and girls there in their various activities. NETWORKING Then we can set up a network among all the cities where we’ll be carrying out activities, and live out what Chiara says in her conclusion: “One city is not enough: Aim further, at your country, at everyone’s country, at the world.” The ‘RED’ Pathway One important point: to pay for the trips of those who will be representing each country, we need to start up some activities right away. If we talk about it in our groups and/or with the members of our communities, who knows how many roads will open up for us and how many hearts will be moved to help. And let’s not forget to get our mayors, bishops and local institutions involved… As you can see, no time to “sit on the sidelines!” We’d like to conclude with the words of Pope Francis: “Boys and girls, be protagonists! Play on the offence! Go forward kicking and build a better world, a world of brothers and sisters, a world of justice, of love, peace, solidarity… Get to work … Be true athletes of Christ!” “WORLD-MAN” PROJECT (phase II) HERE AT THE WORLD GEN 3 CENTER, WE’RE AWAITING YOUR FEEDBACK. LET US KNOW BY THE BEGINNING OF OCTOBER IF YOU’LL BE PARTICIPATING IN THE LATIN AMERICAN “WORK- ZONE,” AND HOW MANY YOU’LL BE. THAT WAY WE CAN START LINKING UP THE VARIOUS COUNTRIES AND YOU CAN START TO GET TO KNOW EACH OTHER. THEN WE’LL ALSO BE ABLE TO MAP THE EXCHANGES AMONG COUNTRIES AND MAKE ALL THE TRAVEL PLANS. Nadia, Agostino and all of us at the Gen 3 and Teens4unity Centers