Grace Talk biblical answers to your questions about God, life, and relationships I understand, from last week's teaching, that women can serve as deacons (aka. Directors) at Grace. However, can a woman serve as a member of the Leadership Team (aka. pastor or elder)? If not, why? If yes, how do we determine what to look for since there is no listing of credentials for women, only a "deaconess"? Question:
Grace Talk biblical answers to your questions about God, life, and relationships Do we think Sunday School is the best way to educate our children? I have heard it explained that Sunday School many years ago began as a ministry to only unchurched children and later enrolled churched children to be a positive influence on the other children. Now it has evolved to where many parents tend to rely on this program as their primary way to provide their kids spiritual education. Shouldn't we eliminate this crutch and instead train up/hold accountable all our parents in personally providing this spiritual training to their children? Question:
Grace Talk biblical answers to your questions about God, life, and relationships Define the difference between an apostle and a disciple. Question:
Grace Talk biblical answers to your questions about God, life, and relationships If the difference is that an apostle has a direct calling from Christ - could we say anyone that has heard or read the Great Commission (Matt ) has had a direct calling from Christ? Question:
Grace Talk biblical answers to your questions about God, life, and relationships You know the verse nothing is impossible with God. Well my teacher told me that that is not true because he says that it is impossible for Him to lie. What do you think about that? Question:
Grace Talk biblical answers to your questions about God, life, and relationships Why does God put up with sooo many people lying about Him/His Son/the Spirit? If God is consistent why does He not strike them down, like He did before the New Covenant? Question:
Grace Talk biblical answers to your questions about God, life, and relationships In a recent discussion, the question of what happened/happens to all of those that died before Christ lived on earth? Knowing that nobody can keep the law, the question is did they all get punished by (or await punishment of) eternal death? I referenced the story of Lazarus and the rich man (Luke 16), and I stressed the concept of a "holding tank" until judgment day at which time they'll have an opportunity to put their faith in Christ... What is the best way to answer this? Question:
Grace Talk biblical answers to your questions about God, life, and relationships When Christians die – do they go straight to heaven or wait until Jesus comes back? Question:
Grace Talk biblical answers to your questions about God, life, and relationships If we believe that God is completely in control, why do we wrestle with sin? Is God the author of sin? Also, does God care if we choose vanilla or chocolate ice cream? Does God cause us to choose one over the other? Please comment. Question: