Comfort and Guidance If you’re in trouble you turn to many people and the Christian Community, The Bible can give you advice, Volunteers Christians can do Volunteer work for their local Church They do things for fellow Christians and they help those within the Church Aid Agencies Because in the Bible it says for Christians to help others so they set up Aid Agencies such as Cafod, The Salvation Army, Tear Fund, Christian Aid. But they also help in non- Christian agencies because they have similar goals. Tithes Tithes are when someone donates something to the Church or when the donates during A service. The Church uses this money to give to other charities or to help the Community or the Church. Harvest Festivals Harvest Festivals are when people hold celebrations in thanks to God for what he’s Given them. They give donations during the festivals. Praying Christians can join in big groups to pray audibly or in their minds towards a cause.
There was a poor man called Lazarus and he was shunned at a Rich man’s gates but he wasn’t given any food. Eventually both men died and Lazarus went to Heaven but the Rich man went to Hell. He asked Abraham to send Lazarus to help him or his brothers thrice but all three times Abraham refused. The meaning of this is that those who are good in life are sent to Heaven but those who are bad are sent to Hell. Jesus was watching people give their donations and he saw numerous rich people give large amounts of money to the Church but he saw a poor widow give only two mites. Jesus called his disciples to look at her generous donation. They questioned this because of the large amounts the rich people had given. Jesus replied that as they had given small percentages of what they own, the widow had given away everything. The meaning is that people should make sacrifices for other people. A rich man once asked Jesus about what he should do to get into heaven. “Follow God’s rules,” Said Jesus and the man nodded for he did that. “And give up your possessions.” The man refused. “It’s easier for a camel to get through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter heaven.” This means as it says. It’s not impossible but it’s very hard for a rich man to go to heaven.
People help each other because we’re all taught from a young age to be nice to each other but Christians have a second reason. There’s a story of the Sheep and Goats. In a field they live and eat together but eventually when it’s time to sell them the Farmer/Shepherd separates them. This is a metaphor for the good and the bad. They live together in life but in death they’re split into Heaven and Hell and the Farmer/Shepherd is the metaphor for God.