Smoking Quiz
Rules Stand up. Listen to each statement and put your hands on your head if you think it is true and your hands by your side if you think it is false. If you are wrong, you sit down. Last person standing wins!
True or False… Cigarettes contain over 4000 toxic chemicals.
True or False… Nicotine is a depressant drug
FALSE It is a stimulant
True or False… About 60 of the chemicals in cigarettes are carcinogenic (cause cancer).
True or False… Some of the chemicals in a cigarette include: – nail vanish remover (acetone) – toilet cleaner (ammonia) – rat poison (arsenic)
True or False… If you quit smoking, it will take 3 years for all the carbon monoxide (a poisonous gas) to leave your body.
FALSE it only takes 1 day
True or False… Breathing in someone else’s smoke is as dangerous as smoking your own cigarette.
True or False… Passive smoking is responsible for the deaths of 600,000 people worldwide each year
True or False… Children brought up around smoke are twice as likely to suffer from asthma attacks.
True or False… 7 out of 10 people with lung cancer are smokers.
FALSE – 9 out of 10 people with lung cancer smoke
True or False… Smoking can cause impotence, reduced sperm count, damage sperm and cause testicular cancer.
True or False… Smoking causes blood vessels to get narrow which can cause gangrene which leads to 1000 limbs being amputated each year.
FALSE – its 2000
True or False… If someone quits smoking, it takes 10 years for their risk of heart attack to fall to the same level as a non-smoker.
True or False… Smoking reduces your sense of taste and smell.
True or False… Smoking 20 cigarettes a day will cost about £1000 per year. Clue A packet of 20 cigarettes costs £7.70
FALSE – it would cost over £2800
This represents £56,000 over 20 years !!!
True or False… Smoking can stain your teeth, make your breath smell and cause gum disease.
True or False… All cigarette advertising is banned in the UK
TRUE Billboard and press adverts were banned on 19 November 2013
Physical Effects of Smoking On your worksheet you should note at least 4 areas of the human body that are affected by smoking
Anti-Smoking Advert Click on the image to view the clip
Activity Must: Create an anti-smoking poster Should: Include information about why smoking is bad for your health and other negative aspects such as finance Could: Include information about the benefits and methods of quitting You should use the rest of this period to plan your poster. Your poster should be completed at home and returned by next week. You can do this using a computer but this is not essential. These will be peer-assessed using agreed categories.