12/17 & 12/18 - 7 th Grade Agenda Collect Science Fair Proposal Presentations Mutations and Hybrid Animal Video: Dinosaurs return to life Reminder: Science.


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Presentation transcript:

12/17 & 12/ th Grade Agenda Collect Science Fair Proposal Presentations Mutations and Hybrid Animal Video: Dinosaurs return to life Reminder: Science Fair Background and Material due 1/14 & 1/15

What is a allele? One part of a gene pair. Alleles represent different varieties of one trait such as height of pea plant. Two alleles form a gene pair

What is a Dominant Allele? One whose trait always shows up in the organism when the allele is present Dominant allele is represented by a CAPITAL letter

What is a Recessive Allele? A recessive allele is always covered up or masked whenever the dominant allele is present Recessive allele is represented by a lowercase letter

What are Genotype & Phenotype? Phenotype: Physical appearance Genotype: Genetic makeup

What is Codominance? The alleles are neither dominant nor recessive

What is incomplete dominance? Both alleles are blended in the offspring

Human chromosomes Each human body cell contain 23 chromosomes pairs or ____ chromosomes. There are 35,000 genes in the chromosomes The genes are li____ up in the same order on both chromosomes 46 ned

Meiosis Meiosis is the process by which the number of chromosomes is reduced by h____ to form sex cells – spe___ and eggs. alf rm

Meiosis Meiosis I Meiosis II

Protein Synthesis Cells use information from a gene on a chrom_________ to produce a specific protein. osome

RNA Before protein synthesis can take place a “messe____” carry the genetic code from the DNA inside the nucleus into the cytoplasm. This genetic messenger is called ribonucleic acid or RNA nger


DNA vs RNA Master Copy Two Strands Never leave nucleus Copy One Strand Leaves the nucleus DNA RNA

Step 1 in Protein Synthesis Messenger RNA Production

Step 2 in Protein Synthesis Messenger RNA attaches to a Ribosome

Step 3 in Protein Synthesis Transfer RNA attaches to a Messenger RNA

Step 4 in Protein Synthesis Protein Grows


Mutation means “cha_____” in Latin Mutation can cause a cell to produce an incorrect pro____ during protein synthesis. As a result, the organism’s trait, or pheno____, may be different from what it normally would have been. nge tein type

Hybrid Animals Horse Donkey Mule All male and most female mules are infertile More intelligent than a donkey More endurance than a horse Requires less food than a horse

Ligers = Male Lion + Female Tiger

More Ligers

Tigon = Male Tiger + Female Lion

Zorse = Male Zebra + Female Horse

Wholphin = Dolphin + False Killer Whale Wholphin False Killer Whale Dolphin

Wolfdog = Wolf + dog

House Cat + African Cat African Cat

Tangelo = Tangerine + Grape Fruit